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There's something goofy going on with the client piece of VisualCron(5.6.9). I'm using VS2008 and when I'm at a breakpoint in my code and try to bring up the client, it does show anything(see attached) but when I run my code without sitting at a breakpoint the client runs. Here's another weird thingy with the client, if my app is a Window Form and I'm in VS2008 debugger and exit and then bring up the client the client works but if I do the exact same thing with a Console app the VisualCron client doesn't work again, it just sits there in that same mode of not displaying anything. I even tried connecting the client remotely but the remote client behaves the same way. The only way to get the client back working is to reset the server. This wouldn't be problem but my real app is a console app and it's quite annoying having to reset the server all the time. I don't recall having this problem in previous version of the VisualCron client before.

What the heck is going on and how do I fix it?
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Ok, I've looked at the logs and they don't show anything. I have though come to the conclusion that it's not the client but the server part that gets messed up. It seems that if you stop on a breakpoint in your code after the connection to the VisualCron server is set up the server goes down. Bring up the client and you get the image previously shown. If you try and stop/start the VisualCron service it doesn't let you, the only way to get the VisualCron server back is to reset the PC. This is repeatable by running the sample API TestClient code. Do the following:

1) Set a breakpoint in the Jobs_EventOnJobAdded event.
2) Run the code.
3) Click on the "Connect local" button.
4) Click on the "Add Job with Execute task".
5) When VS hits the breakpoint, open the VisualCron client and try to view stuff.
6) Open the VisualCron tray client and try and stop the service. You can also try
via the Management Console to restart the service.
To whom it may concern....

I've played around with this issue some more and here what I know, I modified the TestClient app and changed the Jobs_EventOnJobAdded to look at follows:

void Jobs_EventOnJobAdded(ref Server s, JobClass j)
if (j.Name == @"ExecuteJob")
s.Jobs.Run(j, true);

What I want my app to do is be able to run a job after a job has been added. This is issues was addressed before in the API forum under: 

And it seems since then that the API behavior has changed again. If I run the modified TestClient app local(i.e. all on the same PC) the behavior I see is that when the EventOnJobAdded occurs and after the app tries to run the job, the job won't start running until after the TestClient is terminated(you have to kill it because it won't let you disconnect). If I run the TestClient on a remote PC, then it work correctly and the Job starts running right away.

What the heck is going on? How do I get my app to run local on the same PC as the VisualCron server?
Thank you for your posts. Which have done a fix for this issue for next version.
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