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  •  Blair
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi there. i seem to be having a bit of trouble getting the program to run a batch file. I keep getting the error shown in the subject line. When i create the task, i specify the location of the file, as well as the Working Directory. i can navigate to the folders from within VisualCron as well as from Windows Explorer...any ideas as to what i could be doing wrong? The batch file is located on a network drive.

I am currently using Windows Task Scheduler to run the batch with no problems, however i have a need to be able to schedule a job to run every few seconds, which Task Scheduler can't do.

Forum information
VisualCron executes in a different context than the Task Scheduler. VisualCron Server is a Windows Services that runs as the SYSTEM account. Network drives are not visible by default for the SYSTEM account. To gain access to a network path you have 2 options:

1. Create a VisualCron Credential that matches a user on the remote server. Then specifiy a UNC path (\\server\folder\file) to the file/folder
2. Use the drive mapping tool in VisualCron together with a Credential.

We always recommend to use option 1 as this is more stable and not dependant on any drive mappings.

Note: Logical network drives like G:\ H:\ etc. cannot be shared across users. They are only visible for the user that created them. A Credential cannot be used for accessing a logical drive. Use option 1 or 2 instead.
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  •  Blair
  • No customer Topic Starter
Ok, regarding option 1, when you say create a credential that matches a user on the remote server, do you mean a local user on that server? i've set up a credential using a domain user with Admin rights on that remote server (username, password and domain name). When i try to run the task now, i get the error message : Could not find the specified Connection for execution...not sure what that's about.
Seems like you are using a foreground Task. Please set the Task to a background Task.
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