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  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
6.0.6, upgraded from 5.7.8, which was upgraded from previous versions--an existing installation.

Previously installed to default c:\program files\visual cron location, installed new version to e:\program files\visual cron. Settings, Folders were still pointed to c: location. Copied all files to e: location, pointed folder settings to e: locations in VC, applied. Exit out, go back in, all folders remained in original location c:.

Uninstalled via built-in installer and Add/Remove Progs, installed from scratch, still pointing to c: for folder settings.

This seems to go hand in hand w/ my previous post about the "log to event log" not saving. This happens on other servers as well, not just the one.
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Hmm..I think the problem is that you copied the files. You should not copy - you need to install it at the location you want.

I suggest:

1. export settings
2. uninstall
3. delete both folders
4. install on the place you want VisualCron
5. import settings

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  •  rreed
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thanks, we tried that as well but once you import settings, the folders all revert back. Just for fun we also tried pointing the folder settings to other places after the fact (say one day you just wanted them somewhere else) and they would not keep. No matter what we've tried the Settings, settings do not seem to save. We're able to reproduce this on 2-3 different servers.

At this point we've had so many misc. issues w/ the 6.0.6 update we've rolled back to 5.7.8 and are leaving it at that for now. Thank you though, please consider this one closed.
We recently upgraded to the 6.06 release and encountered the same issue.
The folder locations in Settings pointed to the D:\ instead of the C:\, and would not change or save when updated. After completely uninstalling, rebooting, then re-installing, we still had the issue.

However, I noticed during installation that the VC Installer said it found an earlier version installed and wanted to move the settings to the new install folder path.
I canceled the install, made sure all versions of VC were uninstalled, then deleted all VC entries in the Registry (LOCAL MACHINE > SOFTWARE > VC, and CURRENT USER > SOFTWARE > VC). After a reboot and re-install, the Installer STILL found an earlier version (this is where the bug is, IMO). I unchecked everything and essentially skipped this part and finished the installation normally.

I have tested a few of our core functionality that was erroring previously, and it appears to be working. The setting folder is corrected and retains changes I make on the fly.

Hopefully this is resolved with future releases of VC. But it sure was a headache getting this fixed!
Originally Posted by: jtnelso 

We recently upgraded to the 6.06 release and encountered the same issue.
The folder locations in Settings pointed to the D:\ instead of the C:\, and would not change or save when updated. After completely uninstalling, rebooting, then re-installing, we still had the issue.

However, I noticed during installation that the VC Installer said it found an earlier version installed and wanted to move the settings to the new install folder path.
I canceled the install, made sure all versions of VC were uninstalled, then deleted all VC entries in the Registry (LOCAL MACHINE > SOFTWARE > VC, and CURRENT USER > SOFTWARE > VC). After a reboot and re-install, the Installer STILL found an earlier version (this is where the bug is, IMO). I unchecked everything and essentially skipped this part and finished the installation normally.

I have tested a few of our core functionality that was erroring previously, and it appears to be working. The setting folder is corrected and retains changes I make on the fly.

Hopefully this is resolved with future releases of VC. But it sure was a headache getting this fixed!

The problem with settings is that it cannot write to the registry for some reason. The registry needs to be updated if new settings are applied. Please check LocalMachine/Software/V-C/ServerSettingsFolder property after change
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