Community forum

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We have some jobs that send emails out when a specified file is modified out on our shared drive. This works great because you can specify credentials that have access to that share. Because our servers don't hold information on them (our shared drives are backed up by a different department) I'd like to have the email recipient file located on the shared drive as well. However when I tried to do this, it failed, and I realized it's because VC isn't using the specified credentials to get to the share when it's looking for the recipient file, so it fails.

My request is to have shared drive support for Email Recipient files so they can be stored and backed up on shared drives.


Forum information
Originally Posted by: ajsabati 

We have some jobs that send emails out when a specified file is modified out on our shared drive. This works great because you can specify credentials that have access to that share. Because our servers don't hold information on them (our shared drives are backed up by a different department) I'd like to have the email recipient file located on the shared drive as well. However when I tried to do this, it failed, and I realized it's because VC isn't using the specified credentials to get to the share when it's looking for the recipient file, so it fails.

My request is to have shared drive support for Email Recipient files so they can be stored and backed up on shared drives.



Late reply - but this is now available and released since some time ago.

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