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  •  MJ
  • Free support Topic Starter
1 - Finding 6.1.2: Change, "Zip" or "Archive" does not dynamically create a new folder on the fly
Interim Solution: Add an extra task to create the folder and adjust OnError settings to ignore Folder Already Exists when appropriate

2 - Finding 6.1.2: When reordering tasks on jobs with 100+ items manually editing task order causes conflicts
Example reorder task 201 by typing 182; tasks 1 and 18 are duplicated, tasks 2 and 19 missing
Requested Change – do not reorder while user types, rather require secondary action like button click to cause reorder

3 - Finding 6.1.2: Reordering tasks on jobs with a large number of tasks takes a notable amount of time
Requested Change – Improve the reordering task speed possibly by using a different .NET technology collection or array for tracking task order

4 - Feature Request - List Files add checkbox to List File Name Only (exclude path)
Interim Solution - create .NET task for each job that needs the file name only OR use multiple tasks to list then Path.GetFileName (limited to use with one file only)

5 - Feature Request - Custom Task - User builds Fixed Global .NET task. Task can be selected same as any other task (e.g. File Read) with parameters available as task settings.
Interim Solution – Build a .NET task then clone task to multiple jobs

6 - Feature Request – Autocorrect for GUID based variables when cloning jobs. When cloning a job that uses a GUID and the GUID points to a task or something within the job then autocorrect the GUID from pointing at the original job to pointing at the newly cloned job GUID equivalent.
Interim Solution – Manually review and fix each occurrence of the GUID

7 - Feature Request - More Excel Tasks. Read/Write Cell(s) Read/Write File Insert/Delete Sheet Format Cell(s)

8 - Feature Request - FTP appears to use LIST or similar command(s) before completing the task action. This can cause problems on folders with thousands of files. Make the LIST or other commands optional via a user check box.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: MJ 

1 - Finding 6.1.2: Change, "Zip" or "Archive" does not dynamically create a new folder on the fly
Interim Solution: Add an extra task to create the folder and adjust OnError settings to ignore Folder Already Exists when appropriate

2 - Finding 6.1.2: When reordering tasks on jobs with 100+ items manually editing task order causes conflicts
Example reorder task 201 by typing 182; tasks 1 and 18 are duplicated, tasks 2 and 19 missing
Requested Change – do not reorder while user types, rather require secondary action like button click to cause reorder

3 - Finding 6.1.2: Reordering tasks on jobs with a large number of tasks takes a notable amount of time
Requested Change – Improve the reordering task speed possibly by using a different .NET technology collection or array for tracking task order

4 - Feature Request - List Files add checkbox to List File Name Only (exclude path)
Interim Solution - create .NET task for each job that needs the file name only OR use multiple tasks to list then Path.GetFileName (limited to use with one file only)

5 - Feature Request - Custom Task - User builds Fixed Global .NET task. Task can be selected same as any other task (e.g. File Read) with parameters available as task settings.
Interim Solution – Build a .NET task then clone task to multiple jobs

6 - Feature Request – Autocorrect for GUID based variables when cloning jobs. When cloning a job that uses a GUID and the GUID points to a task or something within the job then autocorrect the GUID from pointing at the original job to pointing at the newly cloned job GUID equivalent.
Interim Solution – Manually review and fix each occurrence of the GUID

7 - Feature Request - More Excel Tasks. Read/Write Cell(s) Read/Write File Insert/Delete Sheet Format Cell(s)

8 - Feature Request - FTP appears to use LIST or similar command(s) before completing the task action. This can cause problems on folders with thousands of files. Make the LIST or other commands optional via a user check box.

Quick note 2. and 3. is fixed in later versions.

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I would also like the choice of not FTP LISTing before download or upload.
We have many FTP tasks that take a long time because of this issue.
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