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We have several e-mail tasks that were working until recently, with no environment changes that I can think of that would explain the change we've seen in the task behavior.

The task sends an e-mail that contains a hyper-link to the full file path of the file that triggered the job. The name of the hyperlink is the same as the target value, which is the full file path variable. HTML code is below:

<a href="{TRIGGER(006d3e45-5bac-4ebf-8514-f8de8f8600d2|2d47c543-cfcb-4804-82c5-4ea900a45395|File.Result.FullPath)}">{TRIGGER(006d3e45-5bac-4ebf-8514-f8de8f8600d2|2d47c543-cfcb-4804-82c5-4ea900a45395|File.Result.FullPath)}</a> is available

Users have been receiving the e-mail with what appears to be a good link, but nothing happens when they click it. When I look at the HTML source of the e-mail, it is leaving out the target of the hyperlink (href= is blank), even though it is correctly recognizing the exact same variable value as the name of the hyperlink. Sample HTML below:

<a href="">\\Pathname\filename.tif</a> is available

Anyone have any ideas on why it would start leaving out the href value for a variable? VC build is 6.2.2 14133, but have been on it for a couple months with task working until the last few days.
Forum information
You should use Active and LastTrigger keys like this:


Otherwise there is a risk of mixup.
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Got it figured out. It didn't have anything to do with variable names at all, but UNC paths. Even if I typed a UNC path in as plain text for the hyperlink reference, it was being stripped out of the e-mail; however URL's worked fine. I had to change the syntax of the href field as follows:

<a href="file:{TRIGGER(006d3e45-5bac-4ebf-8514-f8de8f8600d2|2d47c543-cfcb-4804-82c5-4ea900a45395|File.Result.FullPath)}">{TRIGGER(006d3e45-5bac-4ebf-8514-f8de8f8600d2|2d47c543-cfcb-4804-82c5-4ea900a45395|File.Result.FullPath)}</a> is available

Not sure what changed to require this modification to the html, but the hyperlinks work correctly in all our jobs after making this change.
Thanks for the update.
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