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I'm trying to automate a job that should run every other Tuesday at 4:30PM.

In order to achieve this, I created an interval trigger to run on specific day(s) of the week (Tuesday) every 2 weeks. I also created a custom trigger set to run on Tuesdays at 4:30PM and then set them to be dependent on each other and wait infinite time for other triggers.

The Next Run field says it should run on 9/10/13 4:30PM, which is correct, but when that time comes around, the job does not run. I created this job about 2 months ago and neither of the triggers have ever fired.

Is this a bug or am I triggering the job incorrectly?

I have another job set to run every other Tuesday between the hours of 2-6PM at 30 minute intervals which also has never been triggered but I avoided using this one as an example because it's more complex, but it also does not work.

I've used trigger dependencies successfully before but usually have trouble when trying to link a custom and interval trigger.
Forum information

in these cases we are interested in the log file from 9/10/13 along with the name of the Job that was supposed to run. Please send this information to
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