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Matthew G
I am attempting to add a new job with a Web Service task from the API. First I have added a working example through the client manually, and verified that it correctly calls the web service. Using the API, I have added the same job/task and both are shown in the client. When I compare the job/task screens for the API version and the manual version, they are seemingly identical.

However, when I run the job/task that was added thru the API, the call does not get made successfully. Can someone look at my VB code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm attaching it as a png to this post. I have searched the documentation, the example c# code, the class library chm, and this forum for examples of working code that accomplishes this and have found nothing. If this documentation exists, please point me to it.

I have the server instance as a property named VisualCronServer, that should be the only context you need to make sense of my code.


Matthew G attached the following image(s):
Forum information
This is not very trivial and I am not sure it is possible. I have to do some investigation and if possible we will update the API sample project with this.
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Matthew G
After monkeying with it some more, I was able to get it to work by simply adding the following line:

_task.WebService.MethodInfo.WebMethod = True

I think it would most certainly be useful to include an example like this in the sample project. Making web service calls is a feature of your product we will be using heavily. Thanks,
Thanks for the feedback - we will definitely do that now.
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