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Visual Cron Version: 4.9.40
Build: 21541

Problem occurs when: I attempt to use a simple process event trigger using one of the listed processes currently running on my machine.

Error message: A trigger was inactivated due to an error: Not supported The trigger was connected to the job: Test1

What I am trying to accomplish: I want to implement a simple single event trigger which would be triggered by a process startup (firefox.exe) and execute the following process/file: netmonitor.exe. I've tried using different processes as the trigger from the currently running processes list, but I get the same error message.

As far as I am able to determine, WMI is not damaged on my computer: as per the instructions in your manual, I started the WMI console using the wmimgmt.msc command in the Start/Run box and received no error messages.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Forum information
Do you have the possibility to try the exact same settings on another machine?
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No, I don't have another machine to try it on, but I can try it on a virtual machine (using VMware 6.5). I will give that a try once I've set it up. (Has this error message been reported before? If so, what was the most common cause?)

We have not seen this error before. But I would say the most common causes are:

1. WMI is broken in some way
2. The root directory for WMI is not root\CIMV2 (please check that)
3. The user, in this case SYSTEM, does not have full permissions to WMI. You can test this by starting the VisualCron service in desktop mode. 1. stop service 2. start visualcronservice.exe by double clicking on it 3. connect and try to activate the trigger again
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Support wrote:

We have not seen this error before. But I would say the most common causes are:

1. WMI is broken in some way
2. The root directory for WMI is not root\CIMV2 (please check that)
3. The user, in this case SYSTEM, does not have full permissions to WMI. You can test this by starting the VisualCron service in desktop mode. 1. stop service 2. start visualcronservice.exe by double clicking on it 3. connect and try to activate the trigger again

I think I might have isolated the problem. I followed the third procedure from your post above, and this notification was returned:

Service installed: True
Service running: False (<--this should have been returned 'True', right?)
Socket Server started: True
IPC Server started: True
Is Tray Client running: True

I then created a Virtual Machine (VMware 6.5) with the identical OS (Win XP Home), installed Visual Cron from scratch and it worked perfectly with no error messages when I used the process trigger.

I gather this is probably a permissions issue. Now, if I could get your advice on the best way to resolve it. Would it be best if I deactivate Visual Cron, uninstall it completely, reinstall from scratch, and then reactivate it?

With regards,

Service running: False is normal becuase you start it in desktop mode. It is only when the service is started from services window this value is true. The reason for that test is that you should try to connect when you have this running in desktop mode. Did you try to connect?
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I repeated the procedure. I started the Visual Cron service in desktop mode, was able to connect, and when I attempted another process trigger, I got the same error message. How should I proceed from here?

It is hard to say what permissions that are affected. But probably something with the WMI. I recommend:

1. Deactivate VisualCron
2. Install it on the new Server that worked
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