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I have found how to connect to Active Directory and how to add users but groups do not show up on my list of things I can add. Do I need to do something different or can we not add AD groups?
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Have you looked in Server settings->Logon?
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Originally Posted by: mjlarezzo 

I have found how to connect to Active Directory and how to add users but groups do not show up on my list of things I can add. Do I need to do something different or can we not add AD groups?

Henrik is correct... though it's not likely going to behave like you are expecting.

The way AD Groups work in VisualCron is more like a 'this group is allowed and it'll automatically create a local entry like you're doing manually, for you'.

So, in the Server Tab,Settings button, then in the new window the 'Users/Logon' tab....

Find your AD group you were interested in. Lets say it's called "DOMAIN\VisualCron_Admins" i'd search for VisualCron* and select the group by checking the box that will show up in the list below and apply.

Now, be weary of which user permissions (Administrators, viewers, or any other permission groups you've set up within VC) are set as default for new users. To check, edit any of your existing users and click the 'groups' tab. There's a field for 'Default'.

ANY AD group that you've added in the Settings will get the permissions of whatever 'group' is set as the default when they first log in. And yes, more than one can be default. I just always default to 'Viewers' for safety sake. However, if the only AD group you add should contain admins, set the default group to Administrators. Every person in that AD group, when they connect, will automatically have an ID created within VC and be an Administrator. BUT, and this is where the AD integration falls short, if the person is ever removed from the AD group it does not clean up the id created in VisualCron. Once added, it's permanent unless you clean it up yourself.

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