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Is there a FAQ or tutorial on how to use the different options and when you would use them under the Debug options when editing credentials?

I recently upgraded DC's to Windows Server 2012 from 2003 and it appears network credentials are handled differently as task that ran fine before that launch network executables are now failing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Since you're on a new OS, i assume if you log into the server with the credentials that you'd be setting up in VisualCron and tried to run the executables manually (outside of visualcron), they work?

I ask, because when you involve network file shares, sometimes newer OS's will require that you 'unblock' files downloaded from the internet. Unlikely it's your issue, just mentioning it for the sake of mentioning it. Just in case it's the problem, you'd right-click the executable while logged in as the user, select properties, and on the general (first) tab that is presented, there might be an 'unblock' button. If not, you're good. Otherwise, unblock it.

That's all, nothing else to add regarding creds :)

Thanks for the response Brian. I was expecting that VC support might reply but that does not appear to be the case.

The executables in question were on a network share and I was able to resolve the issue by moving them local to the server that the VC software runs on.
When I would launch them outside of VC they ran as expected. It appears to be the method of passing credentials that VC is using.

It would be great if there was a FAQ or a tutorial that explained how each of the different credential options should be used. I guess at this point i'm wondering why I am paying for support.
Debug options should normally be touched here. The basics are the following:

If you want to run an executable that is local you should check "Local logon". If you need the process to run as that user fully you need to check "Load profile" too. If you try to run an executable on the network you should uncheck "Local logon".
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I get the basic credential options these are the ones I am referring too. (attached)

twagner attached the following image(s):
Originally Posted by: twagner 

I get the basic credential options these are the ones I am referring too. (attached)

Yes, I understand that. These are only experimental settings and will not help you achieve your task in any better way. I advise not touching those.
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Do you have any insight into my issue then?

After upgrading from Server 2003 to Server 2012 as the host of the network share that contains executables called by VC the job fails with a credentials error when they worked without issue when the OS was Server 2003 and nothing else changed.

I know different companies/users have different ideas on how to run stuff. I'm assuming your VisualCron service is still running as 'Local System', as that is the default. In our environment, we have a dedicated service account that runs ALL of our jobs. Call it 'DOMAIN\SVC_ACCOUNT'. Instead of setting up credentials, we actually set the VisualCron service itself to run as that DOMAIN\SVC_ACCOUNT and it eliminated 95% of the issues you may have with credentials. Every job runs with that account now without having to specify credentials on the tasks.

Just a thought. If there are Alternative creds that you need to run a specific job as.... then you can select a credential you've added. But if no credential is selected, it'll run as whatever the Service itself is running as.

Not a 'FIX', but that's how we run in our environment and i run executables, batch files, etc... from UNC paths, local directories, etc.... without issue. I'm running mainly on 2 servers. 2008 R2 with VisualCron 6.2.2 and our newer server running 2012 R2 and VisualCron 7.1.4 (both are soon to be updated to latest release).

I don't have any experience running with Local System, using Creds to launch a task to provide any further input. :(

(As for paying for support comments... the forum is the preferred method and 99% of the time a response is given same day, and if you need dedicated/private help they have a contact form, e-mail address of , etc... It's not just paying for support, it's also paying to stay current with the latest releases. Just for the sake of saying so 🙂 )

Originally Posted by: twagner 

Do you have any insight into my issue then?

After upgrading from Server 2003 to Server 2012 as the host of the network share that contains executables called by VC the job fails with a credentials error when they worked without issue when the OS was Server 2003 and nothing else changed.

Just to make Sure i understand what your environment is like... You mentioned originally about upgrading your DCs to 2012 from 2003.
1. Did you literally upgrade, or just replace the DC's and retire the 2003 ones after the 2012 DC's were promoted.
2. You say 2012, do you mean 2012 or is it 2012 R2? Either way, what is the domain functional level currently?
3. Are the DC's also the servers that have VisualCron running on them?
4. If not ^^ can you describe the relationship to the DC's you mentioned. (i.e. Server1 running XX Operating System and VisualCron version 7.x.x...... is a member of XX domain. XX Domain is now running on 2012 DC's. Server1 has an execute task running a UNC path to \\????\ShareName\Executable.exe ). Something to that effect.
5. What sort of Executables are we talking about? Custom written/proprietary stuff in-house or are they programs others could try to help troubleshoot?
6. Got any screenshots/examples of how you have your execute (assuming Execute) task is configured?


Thanks for your response. I have a workaround in place by moving the executables to launch locally on the VC server so I think I am going to consider this issue resolved/closed.
I do understand that the the maintenance fee is for the updates as well as technical support I was just disappointed that it took so long for a reply in the forum as this has not been my experience in the past. In the future I will direct issues to support directly.
I was really just hoping that there would have been some support or guidance offered on the "Experimental Settings" as Im pretty sure thats where the solution lies.

Again thanks for your response.
Originally Posted by: twagner 


Thanks for your response. I have a workaround in place by moving the executables to launch locally on the VC server so I think I am going to consider this issue resolved/closed.
I do understand that the the maintenance fee is for the updates as well as technical support I was just disappointed that it took so long for a reply in the forum as this has not been my experience in the past. In the future I will direct issues to support directly.
I was really just hoping that there would have been some support or guidance offered on the "Experimental Settings" as Im pretty sure thats where the solution lies.

Again thanks for your response.

We are sorry for the long response time. Normally it is faster in the forum. The idea behind the "experimental settings" was that when we created this functionality we wanted to prepare for different kind of environments and expose all these functions to test abnormal results. So far, we have never had to debug these with a customer because it generally works with default settings. I have so far not heard of anyone tweaking with these.

What is interesting here is how your network Task fails now. If the errors are related to files not found or something else? I would break it down by running a very simple sample script that just outputs to the console to see if the problem is running any script or what the script tries to do.
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