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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I have an issue with the output of a assembly task. It gives me the internal log in the output instead of the dll output.
The task output is:
09:00:32: Server->Execute path: F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe
09:00:32: Server->Executing Task process
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->CreateService->Response channel created on address: /TaskProcess/163589
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Requesting Task information
09:00:32: Server->Sending Task information
09:00:32: Server->Preparing method cloning
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Task information sent
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Assembly loaded: System.Transactions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Task information received
09:00:32: Server->Task information sent
09:00:32: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Before assembly execute
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Assembly loaded: dn1nm2c1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Assembly loaded: TGB_Visualcron_functions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Assembly execute complete
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Result object serialization done
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Preparing Task log
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Sending result
09:00:33: ExecuteProcess("F:\apps\VisualCron\\NETExecute40.exe" 163589)->Result sent
09:00:33: Server->Executing Task process exited with exit code: 0
09:00:33: Server->Waiting for completion and result
09:00:33: Server->Task result received, success: True

This is not the output of my method...

It happened a few times during a loop. The itteration is like 100 times, and this dll is inside the loop. I failed 5 times, so 95 times it was ok, 5 times the output as above.

At this time I'm changing my assembly tasks back to .NET tasks due to time issues, this might be the last time I see this error.


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I happened much more than the 5 times I mentioned ..😊 but when this happens, the task is not in error...

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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