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  •  tburk
  • No customer Topic Starter
We are using VisualCron 7.7.4. After having set up the PGP decrypt task last week in a JOB, and successfully testing it last week by decrypting a PGP file and observing the outputted file, we find today that the Destination File Mask no longer accepts one asterisk as a value. The way we discovered this was that while running the JOB, today, the PGP Decrypt TASK failed with this error message: 'PGP File decryption error: The process cannot access the file 'X:\DATA\PGP\Filex_20150907.txt.pgp' because it is being used by another process.' This message led us to believe that the PGP file had a lock on it. After much discussion and creating another PGP Decrypt JOB/TASK, we got the same result error message. And then, by chance, we decided to change the Destination File Mask from * to *.txt and the PGP file Decrypted, but with a new name, now the decrypted name is Filex_20150907.txt.txt. Notice the .txt.txt suffix. Looking back, the only change to our system that could possibly have affected this TASK is that we turned OFF UAC on the Windows 2012 server that VisualCron is running on.

Are there any known issues with this TASK function, specifically in the Destination File Mask?

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We have been discussing this on email but we have not been able to reproduce this. It sounds like there is some kind of process like antivirus or similar that locks the file - or maybe the origina file is locked by uploader/creator.

What if you create a manual Task that encrypts first. Then create another Job that decrypts. Do this on a new local different folder. Same problem?
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  •  tburk
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thank you for your reply. So after some more experimenting, we find that this particular file cannot be decrypted using the * mask; it requires the *.txt mask. Using a different PGP file, from a different partner, the * mask successfully decrypts the PGP file. So there is something different about this PGP encrypted file causing the unexpected behavior within VisualCron. I think it is interesting to note that the exception(error) message indicates a file access issue. If we find anything else interesting about this file we can report back to this thread.
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