Community forum

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Would it be possible to add some security settings for VisualCron administrators that do not use singe sign on? We're thinking about the ability to enforce and set options such as:
- Set maximum password age to enforce a periodic password reset
- Set a minimum password age (for example 2 days), to prevent a reset back to the original password
- Set a configurable length requirement on a password
- Minimal number of numeric characters
- Minimal number of special characters
- Minimal number of alphabetic characters
- Minimal number of upper/lower case
- Password expirty prompt X days in advance
- Don't reuse X number of previous passwords
- Lock out policy (perhaps with unlock after X number of minutes)
- Idle session time out
- Forced to change password upon first logon
- Restricting the ability to save a username/password in the logon field (server wide setting)

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