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  •  Gus
  • No customer Topic Starter
We would love to have a document linked to a job step, so that if and when it fails we can have operators see the instructions on how to react. What would be the easiest way to do this ?

Thanks Gus
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Do you mean like a comment on a task? This is also something we would like
  •  Gus
  • No customer Topic Starter
Exactly. We have processes that can be rerun if fail OR specific people to escalate to get help with, etc. Right now the only approach is to have the operator read the error or console log and then using their knowledge determine what to do. We want to have these step aid tie to the affected task.
This is something we have been thinking about. I am moving this topic to Feature request forum. Please let us know how you would like it to be saved, what format etc you are expecting. This way we can start a discussion for future development.
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From our side we would like the ability to enter a free test box with hyperlinks which perhaps shows when you hover over a task or right click->Show Comments.

Although most tasks are self commenting, some are not so obvious.
  •  Gus
  • No customer Topic Starter
Same here would work. text that we can include hyperlinks for other more extensive details (or linsk to say sharepoint) would be great. If the textbook can have variables so say on the hyperlink we can pass parameters like task name, or id ,then this is the icing on the cake.

We looking to deploy globally and have new folks using pr supporting tasks - that for those on weekend or off hours many time not familiar with things
Stefan Weiss

why you don't but the information in the description of the job?

so everyone can read this and the the steps that are written there.
this description is also available as a variable, so you can also send this as information in Mail if a job fail.

we use this in one job and it works perfect. in the description is the tel number of the responsable for every task in the job.

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