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  •  cmms
  • No customer Topic Starter
We need to limit what the users can do in the server, so i was trying to run the service width a limited account. Since tasks use normally use the process credentials, if the process runs width a limit account the users only can do what the limit account can do. This avoids deleting some data and applications on the server.

Problem is that the service falls just after it starts, if i set the service to run width a user account.

I already give full permission to the visual cron directory.
What permissions are needed?

Forum information
You might run into a lot of problems limiting the account because there may be problems impersonating (running as another user) - if the main account is limited.

Here are some permissions we know for sure:

* registry (read/write)
* WMI access (read)
* VisualCron folder (read/write)
* system32 folder (read/write)

Then it depends on what kind of Tasks you run. If you still get errors after giving access to above please post error details here from log_serverDATE.txt or event log (if unhandled exception).
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  •  cmms
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi Henrik,
Tks for your quick answer.

We have about 12 users that need to create and run jobs. Would be wise limit what that jobs can do.
There is a better way to limit they actions?

Best Regards
Carlos Silva
We have an ongoing investigation about the best way to change permissions for a certain Job. Right now you can only control this globally - like if a user can Run,Edit,Delete Jobs generally.

In a future version we will add this to Job level so you can control this at this level.
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