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We have upgraded VisualCron to latest version 8.1.1. With this upgrade we are facing issues with two of the features which were working successfully previously. Issue 1 is very critical, since I will need to reconfigure the job’s if I don’t get a resolution soon.

1. FTP task which is downloading files into a directory which are not mentioned in the download path are creating an addition directory which is causing for rest of the steps. For Eg. If I set the download path to “C:\Test” and the Source is a network location which I mention as “/Shared”, VC first creates a folder by name “Shared” under C:\Test and then downloads the file to that path. This was working as expected till the recent upgrade. Observation I have is the Source Folder path is getting appended to the destination for the ftp download after upgrade. The ftp source location is a remote server for me.

2. We had a SQL server connection, which was executing a SQL Agent job and was working as expected, but with the upgrade that is no longer working. Complaining with below error. This connection is of Standard Security type.
Error in SQL query: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The specified @job_name(‘’) does not exist.
Forum information
Yes we had the same issue (item 1).

There is a parameter in the download task to not use the folder path, it looks like this is being changed as part of upgrading but you can manually change it back
Hi Al355, your input helped me to get the issue fixed. thank you, saved a lot of time.
About the SQL Task error - maybe you can create a direct Connection to MSSQL by using the guide and select MSSQL->MSSQL?
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