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Feature request for the Execute Task:

"Go to next task on Running Status"

This way I can create a Job with a work-flow of Tasks (that may include pauses, variables etc.) that include running executables.

Currently, a job that includes an Execute task will stop until it receives completion from that task. For, example.. a task to run notepad will not complete(status "Running") until Notepad is shutdown/killed(status "Completed"). I'd like to have an option to run notepad and continue to the next step of the job(before a completion event). I think this should be an option in the Execute task dialog.
Forum information
Ok.. I see now what my experience with other products has been. I am given two choices for continuing to the next task: 1. After application is ready for input. or 2. After the application has ended(and/or with Exit Code). The default is #1, whereas it would, for example, start notepad and wait until it is "ready for input" before continuing to the next task.

I hope that helps.
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