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I have a batch job whcih needs to run on a remote server. I use Remote execute task in VC to do that. However, the job reprots success but it does execute thebatch script on remote server. the batch script is basically few dos commands.

How to do it?

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It depepends if you try to access network resources or desktop on remote computer? Or if the script tries to do anything special?

We are executing remotely through WMI which reports success if the command was started ok (it does not care about end result).
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Support wrote:

It depepends if you try to access network resources or desktop on remote computer? Or if the script tries to do anything special?

We are executing remotely through WMI which reports success if the command was started ok (it does not care about end result).

I am trying to access desktop resource on remote computer. the job report sucuss but it does not run at all. Can you provide the steps to do such job and I can verify I am doing these steps right?
If you need to access desktop resources you cannot use the Remote Execute as it only provides background execution (Windows limitation). You need to install VisualCron on that Server and run the Execute Task in Foreground mode.
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Support wrote:

If you need to access desktop resources you cannot use the Remote Execute as it only provides background execution (Windows limitation). You need to install VisualCron on that Server and run the Execute Task in Foreground mode.

You mean Visual cron on remote computer? If so, does it require a complete install of VC or just client piece is enough?
Also, in this setup if script fails to run on remote computer, will I get the error backup from VC on source machine?
You need a complete install on remote machine. This will be a separate unit that does not report back - you need to add Notification or similar on that remote machine.

What you can try is to use psexec which is free utility that you can call from VisualCron. Remember to use the same remote Credentials for the remote machine. But I have some doubts about accessing full desktop with psexec.
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Support wrote:

You need a complete install on remote machine. This will be a separate unit that does not report back - you need to add Notification or similar on that remote machine.

What you can try is to use psexec which is free utility that you can call from VisualCron. Remember to use the same remote Credentials for the remote machine. But I have some doubts about accessing full desktop with psexec.

We are using psexec other palces in our shop. Good to know if we can use psexec in VC. Now in this case, will VC return error back in script fails on remote machine?
Also, we don;t need full control on remote machine so, it will be fine.
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