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  •  vc1
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I have set up a connection for an Amazon S3 bucket on us-east-2. I can successfully upload files to the bucket but when I create a task to Cloud Download Files the job says it runs successfully but no files get downloaded. I verified with the vendor that files are there and I'm looking in the correct folder.

Also, I tried to setup a Cloud List Items task so I could see all of the folders and files in the bucket but I don't get anything when I'm in the task and Test. I click show files and folders, it seems like it connects but at the bottom of the screen it always says 0 found with a time of approximately 1.92 sec.

Source Folder: \
Item Mask: *
All (dropdown) [also tried folders]
Casesensitive not checked
Include subfolders checked [also tried unchecked]

We are running VisualCron Client 8.2.9

I also tried un-checking the 'Use version 4 signatures' on the connection but that did not change anything.
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  •  vc1
  • No customer Topic Starter
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