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Can somebody help with the PDF Insert Pages function.
I need to make all my PDF files 16 pages long.

So, 1st I use PDF - Get Information to retrieve the current number of pages.
I calculate 16 minus number of pages to get how many more I need to insert.

However, even if I hard code in the number of pages to Insert, it always only inserts one .

Please help. Not sure if I am doing it wrong or if it's a bug
Many Thanks
Forum information
Hi mark61, welcome to the forum.

I tried the task and i have found indeed a bug. 😢

There are two things I found:
  1. If you do not use a number in the 'insert at...' in the destiantion tab, it will always add 1 blank page at the start of the pdf.
  2. The Page range in the Main settings tab, is only looking at the 'Pages' even if you select 'All pages'

So this needs to be fixed to work properly by support.

For your job to make it work now, you have to have a pdf with 16 blank pages to extract the pages from.
The file filter should only point to one pdf, your destination.
I'm not sure if this will work, but your 'Page range' and 'Insert at...' should be using variables based on the data you extraced from your Get Information task.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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