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  •  MarkG
  • No customer Topic Starter
Attached is a Job I've defined, that attempts the following:

Trigger - watch for an XML file appearing in a network folder (the job executes with 'execute tasks in order' set to active.

The intention then is to validate the file - a valid file will generate no useful output in STDOUT, but errors will get piped to STDERR. If I run task T01 expicitly, I get results back that I'd expect.

What *I'm* seeing is tasks T02 thru' T99 trying to execute. Task T01 (the first in order) has a'Last Run' of 'Never'.

Now, I might be building this task completely wrong, in which case, I'd appreciate some guidance, but I can't find any way to produce a 'programmatic' way to walk thru' that job task by task.

File Attachment(s): (6kb) downloaded 51 time(s).
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Take a look at the flow chart and you will see. The T01 will never be run due to the Condition that is set to it.
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