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I'm trying to add a SQL notification via the API, in order to do this I need to pass in the parameters for the connection. One of the properties that needs to be assigned in the SQLConnectionParameterClass is the "ParameterValue" which needs to be a byte[].
My question is which encoding class(i.e. ASCIIEncoding, UnicodeEncoding, etc) do you use to convert a string to the byte[]. I've pretty much tried all of them but when I check the connections via the VisualCron Client I get a dialog error message saying it's a System.ArgumentNullException and the array cannot be null.

I'm connecting to a MySQL database. Attached it the error from VisualCron Client.
terryo attached the following image(s):
Forum information
I forgot to add the error that's showing up in the log file:

Decryption failed: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.TransformFinalBlock(Byte[] inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock()
at GV235CVnRfpyvfPNtQ.NFiKyjiXIn8x7goN0L.ehxLsBGt6(Byte[] )

So it appears the parameters values have to be encrypted but which encryption is needed to do that?
Use the Client.Encrypt method.
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