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A. Pechanek
Dear Visual Cron team,
we would like to start fully using the feature called 'Flow' on the task level.

However from our experiences the behaviour is not always clear - can you please provide us feedback on following situations:

1) Does the order of the records in the flow matter? So If I have:
- On Error Stop job
- On success, if output equal String.Empty(String) - Stop job
- On success Continue with next Task

Would the the VC go through these flow records in order? If so, and I use let's say 30 flow records, is there a way of reshuffling the order in other way than deleting the records below the wrongly ordered one and then typing them in again?

2) We noticed, that if the flow is set-up in this way:
- On Error Stop job
- On Complete, if output equal String.Empty(String) - Stop job
- On success Continue with next Task

then even if the output is empty, it continues with the next task.
Where us if the middle record is changed from 'On Complete' to 'On Success', it works properly (= it doesn't continue with the next task).
Why 'On Success' has higher priority than 'On Complete'?


Forum information
1. They are evaluated in order but you need to make sure they are not in conflict.
2. On success has higher priority but the main problem if you have conflicting flows. You need to make sure that it is not conflicting. For example. If success and not equal string empty instead of always success.
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A. Pechanek
Thanks for the information.

One more question, do you plan to implement possibility to change the order from UI? In a similar way as with tasks?

Because currently, if I have 4 flows and need to have the last one first, then I have to remove all the flows and set-up them again in a correct order.

Originally Posted by: A. Pechanek 

Thanks for the information.

One more question, do you plan to implement possibility to change the order from UI? In a similar way as with tasks?

Because currently, if I have 4 flows and need to have the last one first, then I have to remove all the flows and set-up them again in a correct order.


Not any direct plans but please request this in the forum Feature requests.
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