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We have a job that is trying to set a Job Variable in one of the tasks.
The output (error) on the job is: Permission is denied to edit variables of Job 'Process Daily DOI'

I do not see any setting on the task where a user could be selected or any way to give the job permission to edit the variable. The variable being edited is one of the variables of the job itself. This task used to work prior to us updating to 8.5.4.

What is denying permissions for a task of a job to edit the variable of that same job?
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Originally Posted by: DJacobsen 

We have a job that is trying to set a Job Variable in one of the tasks.
The output (error) on the job is: Permission is denied to edit variables of Job 'Process Daily DOI'

I do not see any setting on the task where a user could be selected or any way to give the job permission to edit the variable. The variable being edited is one of the variables of the job itself. This task used to work prior to us updating to 8.5.4.

What is denying permissions for a task of a job to edit the variable of that same job?

Hi, this bug should be fixed in 8.5.5 (our latest official version)

Please update to 8.5.5 and try again

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Originally Posted by: Support 

Hi, this bug should be fixed in 8.5.5 (our latest official version)

Please update to 8.5.5 and try again


We got the same problem after upgrading to 8.5.5.

Originally Posted by: CAG_DS 

Originally Posted by: Support 

Hi, this bug should be fixed in 8.5.5 (our latest official version)

Please update to 8.5.5 and try again


We got the same problem after upgrading to 8.5.5.


Could you contact us at with screenshots of the task/variable that gives you this error ? Or better, if you could export a simple version of that job (clone it and then simplify it) for us to reproduce this, so we can see if it is a bug in 8.5.5 or some other issue.

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Originally Posted by: Support 

Could you contact us at with screenshots of the task/variable that gives you this error ? Or better, if you could export a simple version of that job (clone it and then simplify it) for us to reproduce this, so we can see if it is a bug in 8.5.5 or some other issue.

It's difficult to send you this material since the problem is very inconcistant.
I've got about 30 jobs that has "Job/Task control" tasks in them.
5 of them gets errors in the child-job. They get authorization problems but in different kind of tasks and not always the first task in the child-job.
When I manually reruns the jobs from the failing task they run successfully.
My theory is that it has something to do with "Update Job Variable" or "Translate Variables before sending".
I've unchecked those boxes and will see the result on monday morning.
In one of the failing jobs I've recreated the job/Task Control-task to see if it has inherited something that affects this.

I will get back to you after the weekend.
Originally Posted by: CAG_DS 

Originally Posted by: Support 

Could you contact us at with screenshots of the task/variable that gives you this error ? Or better, if you could export a simple version of that job (clone it and then simplify it) for us to reproduce this, so we can see if it is a bug in 8.5.5 or some other issue.

It's difficult to send you this material since the problem is very inconcistant.
I've got about 30 jobs that has "Job/Task control" tasks in them.
5 of them gets errors in the child-job. They get authorization problems but in different kind of tasks and not always the first task in the child-job.
When I manually reruns the jobs from the failing task they run successfully.
My theory is that it has something to do with "Update Job Variable" or "Translate Variables before sending".
I've unchecked those boxes and will see the result on monday morning.
In one of the failing jobs I've recreated the job/Task Control-task to see if it has inherited something that affects this.

I will get back to you after the weekend.

This could be that you have different versions between server and client. Could you check that please?


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Originally Posted by: Support 

This could be that you have different versions between server and client. Could you check that please?

Hello again.
We have the same version on both client and server installations, so that is not the reason.

We experience different errors on different types of tasks.
The thing that is consistant is that it's allways a "Job/Task control" task that starts a new job.
The child job always seems to be failing with some kind of authority problem, no matter what kind of task or order in the child job.

Could it be a memory leakage or something of that sort?

Originally Posted by: CAG_DS 

Originally Posted by: Support 

This could be that you have different versions between server and client. Could you check that please?

Hello again.
We have the same version on both client and server installations, so that is not the reason.

We experience different errors on different types of tasks.
The thing that is consistant is that it's allways a "Job/Task control" task that starts a new job.
The child job always seems to be failing with some kind of authority problem, no matter what kind of task or order in the child job.

Could it be a memory leakage or something of that sort?


Can you export this to us please? As simple as possible, one task with job/task control and one task with set variable and mail it to us at so we could try to reproduce this


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Sorry to wake this old thread, but we're seeing this problem in 9.3.0.
Very specific scenario:
Job with Task that sets a variable of the current job.
Runs fine when triggered by schedule.
Fails when triggered manually by a user without explicit permission to make the change that Task is making.
Still fails if the user has the permissions via a Domain Group and not explicitly for the user.

In our scenario in our DEV environment, the user has Administrator access via the Domain Group.
To fix the issue, we must uncheck "Use permissions from AD Group", directly grant the permissions to the user, and then recheck "Use ... AD".

This also seems to be a problem for set variables when calling another job but only if you use "Update Job Variables". I could see how you might think that is not a bug, but it is a change from past versions.
Originally Posted by: aknudsen 

Sorry to wake this old thread, but we're seeing this problem in 9.3.0.
Very specific scenario:
Job with Task that sets a variable of the current job.
Runs fine when triggered by schedule.
Fails when triggered manually by a user without explicit permission to make the change that Task is making.
Still fails if the user has the permissions via a Domain Group and not explicitly for the user.

In our scenario in our DEV environment, the user has Administrator access via the Domain Group.
To fix the issue, we must uncheck "Use permissions from AD Group", directly grant the permissions to the user, and then recheck "Use ... AD".

This also seems to be a problem for set variables when calling another job but only if you use "Update Job Variables". I could see how you might think that is not a bug, but it is a change from past versions.

Hi, could you send an email to and include screenshots of your job/settings and paste this/explain it in the email?


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