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We are located in Hong Kong and our server time are all in HK time zone.

We have some job which required to match the US time zone.
E.g. We set a job triggering at 4 pm EST means a job triggering at 4 a.m. HK Timezone for summer time.
If for winter time, we still want this job run at 4 pm EST but that means we need to change it to run at 5 a.m HK Timezone.

Is there any way to handle it automatically?

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Originally Posted by: CMBI-IT 


We are located in Hong Kong and our server time are all in HK time zone.

We have some job which required to match the US time zone.
E.g. We set a job triggering at 4 pm EST means a job triggering at 4 a.m. HK Timezone for summer time.
If for winter time, we still want this job run at 4 pm EST but that means we need to change it to run at 5 a.m HK Timezone.

Is there any way to handle it automatically?

VisualCron automatically changes/adjusts to summer/wintertime on the server, so when it changes from 4 to 5AM, visualcron will make this change automatically too, but perhaps that was not enough in your case?

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Hello, I'd like to highlight again that "We are located in Hong Kong and our server time are all in HK time zone."
So I don't think our job's time trigger will be changed with US daylight saving automatically, please correct me if it's wrong.
Hope that clarify. So any idea?
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