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Joey S
Would it be crazy to think that I could export all jobs from Server A to Server B where I import them, then stop the visualcron service, open the jobs.xml from the program files folder in a text editor and do a replace for a certain email address that has changed....THEN save the xml file, start the service and expect every instance of that email address (found in "Email - Send" tasks) to reflect the new address?

Am I going to break something in doing this?

Is there a better way?

Steps I propose:
1. Export all jobs (not credentials, variables, etc) from Server A
2. on separate server (server 😎, Import all jobs
3. stop server service on Server B
4. open jobs.xml in text editor
5. search/replace with
6. Save xml
7. start VC service on Server B
8. open client on Server B
9. verify a few addresses I expect to be different in the Email - Send tasks
10. Export all jobs from Server B
11. Import all jobs on Server A
Forum information
Originally Posted by: Joey S 

Would it be crazy to think that I could export all jobs from Server A to Server B where I import them, then stop the visualcron service, open the jobs.xml from the program files folder in a text editor and do a replace for a certain email address that has changed....THEN save the xml file, start the service and expect every instance of that email address (found in "Email - Send" tasks) to reflect the new address?

Am I going to break something in doing this?

Is there a better way?

Steps I propose:
1. Export all jobs (not credentials, variables, etc) from Server A
2. on separate server (server 😎, Import all jobs
3. stop server service on Server B
4. open jobs.xml in text editor
5. search/replace with
6. Save xml
7. start VC service on Server B
8. open client on Server B
9. verify a few addresses I expect to be different in the Email - Send tasks
10. Export all jobs from Server B
11. Import all jobs on Server A

It does work yes, but it is not something we recommend doing (we always recommend doing the changes within VC and not via the .xml file). But I understand the reason for it since it's a bit of a hassle currently. We are however in the process of adding a feature that will make it much simpler to do that within VC client instead (search function)


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