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I just upgraded to 9.1 from the 9.0.5 test version. None of my SQL Triggers are firing anymore. These have never failed in the past. I downgraded back to 9.0.5 and the sql triggers work perfect.
Forum information
Thanks for the report, we think we have fixed the issue here: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9855 
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Seems to be working so far. Thanks for quick fix.
Jason W
We had the same issue with SQL triggers self-deactivating when going from 9.0 to 9.1. We had to roll back to 9.0. I downloaded and tried the first 9.1.5 executable, but had to rollback again. We upgraded to the 2/17 revision of 9.1.5 last night, and SQL triggers started self-deactivating again.

I don't really want to roll back again. For all the jobs with a SQL trigger, I've added a first task to get the output of the SQL that was being used in the SQL trigger and added a condition on the second task to either continue or exit the job, but it would be nice to be able to use this type of trigger with confidence.
Originally Posted by: Jason W 

We had the same issue with SQL triggers self-deactivating when going from 9.0 to 9.1. We had to roll back to 9.0. I downloaded and tried the first 9.1.5 executable, but had to rollback again. We upgraded to the 2/17 revision of 9.1.5 last night, and SQL triggers started self-deactivating again.

I don't really want to roll back again. For all the jobs with a SQL trigger, I've added a first task to get the output of the SQL that was being used in the SQL trigger and added a condition on the second task to either continue or exit the job, but it would be nice to be able to use this type of trigger with confidence.

Thanks for the information,

Could you please try our beta build of 9.2.0 and see if it behaves the same way for you there, with triggers deactivating themselves? https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9889 

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I am having the same issues as the other posters. The SQL trigger does not fire and also deactivates in 9.1.5. I tried the 9.2 beta over the weekend as suggested and the trigger worked perfectly. However, I've had to rollback as the beta version is not executing any of my foreground tasks.
Originally Posted by: jaslo37 

I am having the same issues as the other posters. The SQL trigger does not fire and also deactivates in 9.1.5. I tried the 9.2 beta over the weekend as suggested and the trigger worked perfectly. However, I've had to rollback as the beta version is not executing any of my foreground tasks.

Could you provide us some more information on this, please? How are your foreground tasks set up and the SQL trigger? Please email screenshots to

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