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We're currently trialing VisualCron (v 9.1.5)
We've noticed that when changing settings in the server settings dialog, if you reopen the settings dialog your changes aren't reflected until the client is restarted. Is this a known issue?
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Originally Posted by: Jebbster 

We're currently trialing VisualCron (v 9.1.5)
We've noticed that when changing settings in the server settings dialog, if you reopen the settings dialog your changes aren't reflected until the client is restarted. Is this a known issue?

Do you experience the same issue if you disable UAC in the server settings and/or when you start VisualCron, you right-click on it and choose "Run as administrator"?


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Running as Administrator didnt help, but turning off UAC did.

Weirdly even though I only turned off UAC on the server, the problem is gone on both the Local Client on the Server and the Remote Client on my Desktop. ANy idea why that is? We generally prefer to leave UAC on where possible. I've never heard of UAC affecting a windows service, and I assume it's the VCron windows service that writes to the config file?
Originally Posted by: Jebbster 

Running as Administrator didnt help, but turning off UAC did.

Weirdly even though I only turned off UAC on the server, the problem is gone on both the Local Client on the Server and the Remote Client on my Desktop. ANy idea why that is? We generally prefer to leave UAC on where possible. I've never heard of UAC affecting a windows service, and I assume it's the VCron windows service that writes to the config file?

It is because the settings are saved on the server. Make sure that the user running the service (SYSTEM by default) has write permissins for the installation folder.

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