Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

When a user registers himself on the Forum, he is assigned a ’User’ role. He can use the same sign in details to login to the visualcron website. In fact, when a user signs in to his forum account, he is automatically signed in to the visualcron website as well and can view his profile in the ’My Pages’ link on the top right corner of the visualcron website. However, the User does not have access to ’My Contacts’, ’My Orders’ or ’My Licenses’ unless he updates his ’My Profile’ to either:
a) Join an existing company
b) Register as a Private User

a) Join an existing company
By joining a company which is already registered with VisualCron as a ’Licensed’ Customer, the User can access the company’s contacts, licenses and orders. These will only be visible after the user’s request to join has been approved. Approval will only be granted if one of the other registered ’Contacts’ for the same company approves this user. In order to join an existing company, please follow the steps below:
i. Login to your forum account.
ii. Click on ’My Pages’ on the top right corner of th visualcron website in the website navigation bar.
iii. Select ’My Profile’ from the drop down menu.
iv. In the Profile information, your Username and email will be already filled in if you are a registered user. Please enter the remaining information including your firstname, lastname, role, permission, customer type.
v. There are two ’Permission’ types; user and Admin. A User cannot alter company details and cannot delete or update the compnay contacts. Both User and Admin access can place orders and view the company’s Licenses. Admin can do everything.
vi. For ’customer type’, select ’compnay’ a nd enter the name of the company in the text box provided.
vii. If this company is already registered you will see the company name in a drop down list box as you type your company name.
viii. Click on ’Join existing compnay’. This will send your approval request and aill also result in auto-fill of the required company related information such as Address, Email, Country.
ix. Click on the ’Update Information’ dialog.
x. After your request is approved , you can view the ’My Contacts’, ’My Orders’, My Licenses’ pages for your company. You can also send invites to other ’Contact’s in your company to become regitered VisualCron users.

b) Register as Private User
c) Please follow steps 1 to 4 as above.
d) In the Customer Type, select the ’Private user’ radio button.
e) In the ’Company Name’ text box, enter your name or your compnay name if you are registering as compnay.
f) Please fill out the remaining fields and click on ’Update information’ after you are done.


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