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David Muniak
I'm trying to set up a Notification to send when a job fails.

I edit the job and go to the Flow tab and add an On error event to send the Notification.

However visualcron will occasionally send the notification out with an Job Result of "Waiting".
according to the variable {JOB(Active,Name)} - {JOB(Active,Status)} that is used in the email.

I've tried switching the dropdown on the job flow to both "If other value" Equal "Failed" and "If other value" does not Equal "Waiting"
on both {JOB(<Job specific guid>|Result)} and {JOB(Active,Result)} and {JOB(Active,Status)} in all the various combinations.
And it still sends the Notification with a status of "Waiting"

We are running version 9.1.5 Pro.
Forum information
Joey S
I think you want the previous Task, and not the Job, status or output. Adjust the Flow of each Task and if Error then have it send an email

Something like this

Task Result:


Error Output:

Where e886ec57-ce0d-464f-87f2-9777c3e5ce67 is your specific Task ID

OR, if your email comes after a specific task...

Task Result:


Error Output:
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