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A month or so ago, while we were trying to determine the cause of the infinite loop in my job, I turned on "Extended debug logging" in the Log settings window. I never got around to turning it off, but now we're trying to identify the cause of performance problems on that server, so I went to turn it off. I unticked the checkbox, but noticed I'm still getting debug statements in the log file. So, I tried restarting the VisualCron service. Still getting debug logging. Then I tried to disable *all* logging, by unchecking both boxes under "Log to file." No change, I'm still getting debug logging.

What's up? How do I turn off all of this logging?

I have build 5.7.8.


Forum information
Addendum - I've got two sets of settings files in my settigns directory - one with capital letters in the names and one with only lower case. I know you've told me before that it doesn't matter which set is there, but I've got two sets, and that has got to matter. Anyway, I see that the InternalSettings.xml file still says ExtendedDebugging is true, whereas settings_server.xml says it's false.

I'm going to manually edit InternalSettings.xml, but having these two sets of files floating around is problematic. I'll have to look and see what else is different between the two sets of files. Which set should be in this folder?


I've set both ExtendedDebugging and LogToFile to false in both InternalSettings.xml and settings_server.xml, and restarted VisualCron service, all to no avail. I'm still getting debug logging.
I know we are having an email discussion about this but a side note: what is debug logging to you?

The extended debug logging just removes some extra logging. Still, we may have other debug logging even though this is unchecked.
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