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Hi Support

Firstly, I am suspecting that this should go to the Feature Requests tab, but just in case there is an alternative solution/workaround I am raising it here first.

Problem lies around automating FTP xfers. I have raised some Enhancements surrounding this in the past, but have come across another challenge around this.

Triggers for FTP transfer are not possible, unless it is a timed trigger. This is pretty inefficient as you would literally need to check an FTP server regularly (for example every 5 minutes), all day every day, even after files have been downloaded.

I need to be able to check for files on an FTP server on a regular basis (for example, every morning), but with the following rules:

1. Check for a particular Trigger File name, and if it exists, download all files in that folder. e.g. 'filesrdy.trg'. This is a compliance facility that requires a customer to upload a 'filesrdy.trg' file once all of their data files are uploaded so we know everything is there.

2. Run this every morning from a particular time, but only for a specific period of time, e.g. from 08:00 for 2 hours.

3. If the Transfer hasn't triggered within that time window, then send a Warning Email to the customer and support staff

4. If the Transfer HAS triggered successfully, disable the trigger until the next day.

Also, just to summarise, other features that have been mentioned previously in relation to FTP is:

1. Allow specific Sub-Folder Names under a Parent Folder to be processed (e.g. only all folders named 'b2b'

2. List files that are in the folder (e.g. return VC Variables containing details of FTP transfer)

3. Automatically rename Files during Transfer

4. Allow to read an account file (listing files that should be there) allowing reconciliation for Audit purposes



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