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I have 3 servers, and each server has an instance of VisualCron server running.
I'm trying to set up triggers on 2 of the machines that trigger off a job starting on the 3rd server. However, I'm having difficulty getting the remote server settings set up correctly.

I have created the the connections to the other VC servers in the Server > Connections screen (see attached file VC_Connections.jpg).
I used the VisualCron protocol and utilized the normal connection criteria to the other servers. (see attached file VC_Connection_Details.jpg). I'm also using the default username (admin) for connecting to the VC servers.

When setting up the job's trigger, I set it to Remote Server, select the connection, and reload the jobs; however, nothing appears after reload. I'm assuming this is due to a failed connection. Is there something I'm missing here?

All VC servers are version 6.1.3.
jtnelso attached the following image(s):
Forum information
Normally you should get message box with error if reload fails. Do you get a Wait icon - does it disappear?

Also, is the remote Server same version as your local?
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Normally you should get message box with error if reload fails. Do you get a Wait icon - does it disappear?

Also, is the remote Server same version as your local?

The remote servers are the same version of VisualCron.

After selecting the Remote Server radio button in the Trigger details,
I select the "Job Started" option in the Event Tree, then click "Reload" to get my list of Jobs on the remote server.

I do get a short busy icon, which then disappears quickly. In the drop down box for Job Name, I only get "No Job Selected" as an option. (see attached screenshot)
jtnelso attached the following image(s):
Could you try with latest 6.1.4. I think I recall a bug here.
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The upgrade to 6.1.4 solved the issue! Thanks so much!

The Reload process takes a lot longer now, and shows the correct jobs on the remote server.
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