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  •  Olsen
  • No customer Topic Starter
When a business document (Order, Invoice, DesAdv, ...) is transferred to a business-partner ,it would be nice to save a copy inhouse in an archive-folder. Thus one can see what has been send - and see the exact content, search for PO Number, ItemNumber etc. - which is nice if there are some kind of problems with / discussion about the document send.
We do this all the time at a customer site, and have a homegrown ftp-client to do this.
Further we have another program which runs every night to move older files from the archive-folder to other subfolders below the archive-folder (one folder pr. month, like 2013_01, 2013_02, 2013_03 etc.). Having thousands and thousands of files in 1 folder is not nice.
Further we have a job to delete documents when they are older than x (5) years.

All this could be handled by Visualcron.

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