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I have a server that runs scripts very often and I have noticed something in the log file that my point to an inefficient setup on my part.

Here is a log file segment for 1 run of these monitors:

5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Scala file delivery Job completed: Scala file delivery
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Scala file delivery Scala File Creation Task completed: Scala File Creation (62702)
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Scala file delivery Scala File Creation Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Scala file delivery Scala File Creation Task started: Scala File Creation (62702)
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #1 Job completed: Monitors #1
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Scala file delivery Job started: Scala file delivery
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #2 Job completed: Monitors #2
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #1 SQLMon Task completed: SQLMon (62701)
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #1 SQLMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #2 TLS4kMon Task completed: TLS4kMon (62700)
5/29/2013 11:04:45 AM Monitors #2 TLS4kMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 SQLMon Task started: SQLMon (62701)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 TLS4kMon Task started: TLS4kMon (62700)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 CDSMon Task completed: CDSMon (62699)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 CDSMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 TLS3kMon Task completed: TLS3kMon (62698)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 TLS3kMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 CDSMon Task started: CDSMon (62699)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 CLDMon Task completed: CLDMon (62697)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #1 CLDMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 TLS3kMon Task started: TLS3kMon (62698)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 INSPMon Task completed: INSPMon (62696)
5/29/2013 11:04:44 AM Monitors #2 INSPMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #1 CLDMon Task started: CLDMon (62697)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #2 INSPMon Task started: INSPMon (62696)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #1 ODBMon Task completed: ODBMon (62695)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #1 ODBMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #2 ORCMon Task completed: ORCMon (62694)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #2 ORCMon Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object.
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #1 ODBMon Task started: ODBMon (62695)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #2 ORCMon Task started: ORCMon (62694)
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #1 Job started: Monitors #1
5/29/2013 11:04:43 AM Monitors #2 Job started: Monitors #2

My concern is the entries that say "Could not kill process, err: No process is associated with this object."

I do not have any kill operations and the timeouts are not being reached. What is causing this and how can I stop it? VC Version is 6.2.2.

I need to address this because this VC server hangs almost daily and I cannot figure out why.
Forum information
Perhaps you are using a timeout on the Task? What kind if hangs are you experiencing? Please tell us more about when and how.
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Nope, I said that the timeouts were not being reached. I do have timeouts on them, but the tasks never even start and the job says "running" but never actually DOES anything. The timeout does not come into play and the job stays this way indefinitely.

The only fix is to reboot the machine, then it will run fine for a while until it hangs again.

Once it goes into this mode, stopping the job and restarting it yields the same behavior.

I do need the hang resolved but can you explain the log entries? That was my original question.
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