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We are using Beta 7.1.5 Build 20626

We moved a number of tasks over from a VisualCron version 6.X server. Some of these tasks referenced credentials from the old machine. In most cases those credentials were not really needed... so we decided to remove all of the references to credentials. However, we did miss removing some of them.

Today we went to the VisualCron menu item "Credentials" and deleted the Credential that referenced an account on the old machine (trying to clean up things from the move). We started getting task errors like: "Exception in Task: System.Exception: Credential not found" . We figured out that this was because we had deleted the credential and the task probably referenced it. When we went into the tasks (both HTTP tasks, BTW), the credential said "No Credential" but we figured that was just the first credential in the list and it was still pointed to the old credential internally. So, we pressed Save to resave the job with No credential officially selected). The error went away, as expected.

It's not a huge error for us but I wanted you to be aware of it.
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I can't speak to the errors, other than confirming that if you do delete a credential that a task was referencing you'll run into issues. It does warn (or at least used to) that 'X' objects are still referencing the credential you're about to remove.

I know in the later versions (at least with 7.1.4), you can right-click the credential and select 'Object Relations'. Ensure that the credential is the object selected, and you'll see every place it's referenced in the box below. this is one of the features i wanted years ago and just found it recently when trying out 7.1.4 ;-)

Brian Thanks for that tip about the Object Relations. That will be helpful going forward.

I don't think I saw any warning when I deleted the credentials but I may have just missed it.

FYI, Brian you were right. It does show the number of objects being referenced (in 7.1.5 Beta).

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