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Hi, question about Flow settings.

I'm checking a directory and want to send an alert if there are files in the directory that were modified more than an hour ago. To do this I set up a List Files task and an Email task, and in the Flow I simply set it to check if the output of the List Files task was longer than 0. I also set the task not to raise an error if no files are found.

So my List Files task Flow looks like this:
On success - If value '{STRING(Length|{TASK(Active|StdOut)})}' Larger '0' (Int32) - Continue with next Task
On error - Stop Job.

However the job will continue to the next task even if there are no files in the directory. I tried adding another event for On Success - Stop Job but then I get the opposite problem, that the job stops even if there is output from the List Files task.

How does flow priority work? Do I need to add two opposite Flow steps (if stdout = 0, stop job, if stdout > 0 continue with next task)?
Forum information

The 'On Success' looks at the result of the task. Normally the task is success, so the 'On Success' will run.
You can set the 'On succes' flow to continue to next task.
You can check the 'On Error' tab to raise an error when there are no files found.
Than, if there are no files found, the task raises an error and than the 'on error' flow is starting and the job will stop in your case.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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