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Christophe Mathon
Dear All,

I'm using the notification in VisualCron to send email.
in the title of the email, I use "{JOB(Active|Result)}" in order to quickly know if it's a failure or a success.

However, it seems that this value is not the value of the current job, but the value of the previous job:
ex1: running job for the x time: it fails
running job for the x+1 time: it suceed -> Value of "{JOB(Active|Result)}" is "Failed" instead of "Success"
ex2: running job for the x time: it is succesfull
running job for the x+1 time: it fails-> Value of "{JOB(Active|Result)}" is "Success" instead of "Failed"

I can reproduce this everytime :)
we are using version 8.2.5.

is it a bug ?
Thanks in advance 🙂
Forum information
Maybe you are using the wrong event. You should use On completed and not On start.
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