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Good day, I am a very new user of visualcron and need help.
we are setting a new server for backup purposes in case the active one has issues we should be able to activate the new one immediately.

on the main server there is a folder that i would love to be copied on the backup server and this should be identical.
the problem is that this folder contains many sub- folders and within these files are generated daily
so i have copied that folder with everything on the back up server and need to have any new created files to be transferred daily in its respective folder on the backup server. is this possible? or the full folders need to be copy again everyday? any better idea and please show me how to do it as am learning .
thank you
Forum information
You have a couple of options;

1. use the File Trigger that watches for new files and use the Variables from that in a Copy files Task. This is create if there are a few files every day. If you go to the Video tutorial page there is a tutorial for that

2. if there are many files you might want to use the Sync file(s) Task instead.
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