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Jamie Jensen
I have a job with 3 tasks and 1 trigger.
  • Trigger: If files exist in folder 1 run tasks.
  • Task 1: Upload files from folder 1 to FTP site.
  • Task 2: Email results of upload.
  • Task 3: Copy & delete files from folder 1 to folder 2

If I have only one file in folder 1 the job works successfully. However, if there is more than one file the job runs for each file and produces a new email with each job execution. In addition it also send a failed email for each file and the failed email attaches all of the files in the user desktop folder.

How do I stop the failed email / attachment behavior and produce only one email for all files?

Jamie Jensen

Forum information
If you want one email for all files you should not use the File Trigger but schedule a certain time and upload all files that exist. Otherwise it will be one at a time.
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