Perpetual and Subscription license information

Introduction of Subscription license

In 14th of February 2022 VisualCron moved from Perpetual license model to Subscription license model. Licenses purchased before this date remain perpetual with limitations described below. Using Cloud access features (mobile app, cloud servers functionality etc) requires an active Maintenance / Subscription. With the new subscription license the renewal of the subscription is mandatory for Jobs to execute on the VisualCron Server.

The services of the 1-Year Subscription / Maintenance include

Priority technical support

Our Support Team will support you in any question or problem related to the product during any phase of the product's life cycle. Within the scope of our priority technical support, we will analyze your configuration and provide a solution for you.

We are specialized in support via e-mail, by which you can send your problem description, product data, configuration files etc. We may also use Zoom too resolve issues but normally "screen sharing" is a paid service (training) - contact sales for more information. We are available on phone but we do not use this channel for support as we normally require logs, screenshots to resolve issues.

We have support personal receiving your support request 24/7.

Free upgrades

You will receive all maintenance releases or updates or upgrades for the duration of the Maintenance period, which may or may not include additional features. Updates and maintenance releases cover the minor releases within the same major version of the software that you have purchased. Upgrades to the next major version are also included in this maintenance. You can view change log of previous releases here.

Move licenses between servers

If you have an activate maintenance you can request to move the license between different servers here.


Renewing Subscription / Maintenance

I have a VisualCron license

If you have a VisualCron license but no Maintenance license you can purchase the Maintenance license separately.

Go to the My licenses page and select the licenses you want to renew. Then click on "Renew Selected" button. You are then redirected to the Cart page. Please complete the payment from there. After payment is completed the licenses will be renewed/associated with Maintenance. If you renewed directly from the Order page instead of My licenses page then you have to assign them manually. See Associating a Maintenance / Subscription.

I don't have a VisualCron license

If you don't have a VisualCron license you order a new Subscription which includes one year Maintenance.

Support period

The maintenance and support period begins on the day you purchase Subsription or renew the Subscription / Maintenance and extends for a period of exactly 12 months. The support period is not dependent on when you purchase the renewal - it always covers 12 months and will be added on current expiration date.

Renewal notice

You will receive an email notification when your Subscription / Maintenance license is about to expire. The email will be sent one month before the expiration date. You can check activation/expiration info anytime on the My licenses page.

Why should I renew?

Subscription license: If you are using the Subscription license model you need to renew or Jobs will stop executing.
Perpetual license: To get priority support whenever you have serious problems. Downtime can cost a lot. Also, you get free upgrades to any minor or major version. Staying on the latest version ensures that you get the latest bug fixes and features. We issue about one release every month. There are also limitations in some functionality like "Cloud access" if you do not renew.

What happens if I do not renew?

Subscription license: VisualCron will stop executing Jobs.
Perpetual license: The license itself is perpetual so it is forever but it is bound to a specific version. In order to update and get priority support, you need to renew. Also, if you run into problems and decide that you want to renew later it might come at an extra fee.

Associating a Maintenance / Subscription


If you have renewed from the My licenses page by selecting a license and clicked Renew you do not need to manually associate the license after purchase.

When you have purchased a Subscription / Maintenance it will appear on the My licenses page. Scroll down to the section Associate maintenance. Select the maintenance code that you want to associate to a certain license. Select the server/activation code you want to associate the purchased maintenance with. Click Associate codes. Repeat this procedure for all existing maintenance codes and remember to select another server/activation code if you have several - otherwise you will increase the maintenance date on the same, already selected server/activation code.


When you have purchased a Subscription / Maintenance it will appear on the My licenses page. Scroll down to the section Associate maintenance. Select the customer name - if you cannot find it please contact and let us know all details about the end user (customer name, contact person, contact email). Select the maintenance code that you want to associate to a certain license. Selet the server/activation code you want to associate the purchased maintenance with. Click Associate codes. Repeat this procedure for all existing maintenance codes and remember to select another server/activation code if you have several - otherwise you will increase the maintenance date on the same, already selected server/activation code.

Transferring license(s)/order (resellers only)

If you have have purchased a normal license (not maintenance) you need to transfer the license to the end user. After purchase the license(s) will appear on the My licenses page. Scroll down to the Transfer license/order. If you want to transfer all purchased licenses for a single order to one customer then click "Select entire order" and then select or write end user company name and then click Transfer license. If you want to distribute your licenses over different users then you click Select activation code and then select or write end user company name and click Transfer license.

Using VisualCron without Maintenance (perpetual license)


If you do not have a Maintenance you are only allowed to use the version that was available at purchase date. To know which version you are entitled to use according to your license please go here.

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