Tasks are the actions a Job performs

Process - Tasks stopping and starting processes or parts of assemblies

Task icon Execute - The Execute Task lets you start a command or executable with arguments. Optionally you can run the process as a certain user with the help of Credentials
Task icon Remote Execute - This Task type can execute commands on a remote server. If you want to execute commands locally you should use the Execute Task. Optionally you can wait for process completion.
Task icon Execute script - This Execute script Task is a version of the Execute Task that is specialized for script execution. This Task executes VBScripts and JScript.
Task icon PowerShell - The PowerShell Task lets you execute PowerShell code on the fly or an existing PowerShell file.
Task icon Kill - The Kill Task lets you stop a process on the same computer.
Task icon Remote Kill - Remote Kill Task can terminate a process on another server in the network. If you want to terminate local process then you should use the Kill Task instead.
Task icon Assembly execute - Assembly execute Task lets you specify a .NET .exe or .dll file and execute methods within that assembly.
Task icon .NET code execute - The .NET code execute Task is able to execute .NET code using languages C# or VB.NET.
Task icon Unmanaged dll call - Executes a method with parameters on an unmanaged dll.
Task icon AS/400 Command (Pro) - The Process - AS/400 Command Task lets you execute a command on a AS/400 server. The AS/400 Control Language (CL) is a scripting language for the IBM AS/400 midrange platform bearing a resemblance to the IBM Job Control Language and consisting of an ever expanding set of command objects (*CMD) used to invoke traditional AS/400 programs and/or get help on what those programs do.

Net - Tasks which consists of a communication protocol that can be used for communicating or transfer data

Task icon Web macro (Pro) - The Net - Web macro Task is able to record actions in the built in browser and play it back in the background at any time.
Task icon HTTP - The Task type HTTP enables execution a remote script/load webpage with standard HTTP POST or HTTP GET. You can combine this function with logging the output of the script/page on a file or send the output by mail.
Task icon Webservice/WCF execute (Pro) - The web service / WCF Task lets you execute web service- and WCF (basic HTTP binding) methods.
Task icon FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP - The FTP Task lets you send files over the Internet according to the standardized protocols FTP, SFTP, and SCP. It is possible to connect securely through FTPS with explicit and implicit encryption.
Task icon TCP - The Task type TCP enables negotiation based on messages between TCP client and remote TCP listener.
Task icon SSH - The SSH Task lets you execute commands on a remote SSH server through the Command Channel of SSH. SSH servers are standard in Linux and exists on all kinds of operating systems. This lets you extend the execution to other operating systems.
Task icon Telnet -
Task icon Ping - The ping Task is used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. It works by sending ICMP 'echo request' packets to the target host and listening for ICMP 'echo response' replies. ping estimates the round-trip time in milliseconds.
Task icon Check port - The Net - Check port Task lets you check if a certain port on a host is up.
Task icon Serial - Send - The Serial send Task lets you communicate with a wide range of devices that uses COM port interface.
Task icon WebDAV - List items - The WebDAV - List items lets get files/folders that are located on one remote folder to another remote folder. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - List folders - The WebDAV - List folders lets get folders that are located on one remote folder to another remote folder. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - Download - The WebDAV - Download Task lets you download documents based on a file filter. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - Upload - The WebDAV - Upload Task lets you upload based on the standard file filter. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - Copy files - The WebDAV - Copy/Move files lets you copy or move files that are located on one remote folder to another remote folder. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - Delete - The WebDAV - Delete lets you delete, one or more, files or folders. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.
Task icon WebDAV - Create folder - The WebDAV - Create folder lets you create a remote folder. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.

Messaging - Tasks that sends messages using various services and protocols

Task icon Email - Send - The Email Task lets you send text and/or HTML emails that can be encrypted/signed through SMIME or PGP.
Task icon Email - Get headers - The Email Get Headers Task retrieves all message headers (i.e. Subject, Date, To and From information).
Task icon Email - Get messages - The Email Get Messages Task retrieves one or more messages.
Task icon Email - Get single message - The Email Get Single Message Task retrieves one message by its message ID or message index number.
Task icon Email - Delete single message - The Email Delete Single Message Task removes one message by its message ID or message index number.
Task icon Email - Delete messages - The Email Delete Messages Task removes one or more messages.
Task icon Email - Move messages - The Email Move Messages Task moves or copy one or more messages.
Task icon XendApp - Send messages of multiple content types directly to your phone or other device. Combining the best features of SMS and email. See http://xendapp.com for more information.
Task icon SysLog - The SysLog Task can be used for computer system management and security auditing as well as generalized informational, analysis, and debugging messages. It is supported by a wide variety of devices (like printers and routers) and receivers across multiple platforms. Because of this, syslog can be used to integrate log data from many different types of systems into a central repository.
Task icon Pushbullet - Send message - The Pushbullet - Send message Task send a message notification to your device.
Task icon Pushbullet - Send SMS - The Pushbullet - Send SMS Task lets you send an SMS through your registered device to any phone number.
Task icon Pushbullet - Send link - The Pushbullet - Send link Task sends a link through a notification in your device
Task icon Pushbullet - Send file - The Pushbullet - Send file Task sends allows you to send a file to device of a contact or channel.
Task icon Pushbullet - Upload file - The Pushbullet - Upload file Task lets you upload a file to the Pushbullet cloud.
Task icon Telegram - Send Bot message - The Telegram - Bot Send Task sends a message to subscribers of telegram bot.
Task icon Telegram - User Send message - The Telegram - User Send Task sends a message to users from user.
Task icon Slack - Send message (Pro) - The Slack Send Message Task sends a message to channel.
Task icon AMQP - Send message (Pro) - The AMQP Send Message Task sends a message to queue. Currently supporting RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus.
Task icon Microsoft Teams - Add channel message (Pro) - The Microsoft Teams - Add Channel Message Task adds new message to the channel.
Task icon Amazon SNS - Publish message (Pro) - The Amazon SNS - Publish Message Task adds new message to the topic.
Task icon MobileApp (Pro) - Send messages of multiple content types directly to your phone or other device. Combining the best features of SMS and email.

Social - Tasks working with social web services

Task icon Twitter - Tweet - The Twitter - Tweet Task publishes a tweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Reply tweet - The Twitter - Reply tweet Task publishes a reply to a tweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get tweet - The Twitter - Get tweet Task retrieves the latest or specified tweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Delete tweet - The Twitter - Delete Task deletes latest or specified tweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Follow/Unfollow user - The Twitter - Follow/Unfollow user Task follows or unfollows a user in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Send direct message - The Twitter - Send direct message Task sends a direct message to user in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Retweet/Undo retweet - The Twitter - Retweet/Undo retweet Task retweets an existing tweet or undo a retweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Like/Undo like - The Twitter - Like/Undo like tweet Task performs a like or unlike on a tweet in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Search tweets - The Twitter - Search tweets Task searches tweets in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get messages - The Twitter - Get messages Task retrieves sent or received messages in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get timeline - The Twitter - Get timeline Task retrieves own or specified user timeline in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get mentions - The Twitter - Get mentions Task retrieves mentions of current user in Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get friends - The Twitter - Get friends Task retrieves a users friends on Twitter.
Task icon Twitter - Get followers - The Twitter - Get followers Task retrieves a users followers in Twitter.
Task icon Facebook - Publish - The Facebook - Publish Task publishes a message in page.

Database - Tasks which works with databases at different levels

Task icon SQL - The SQL Task can execute a SQL command or a stored procedure against any database through ODBC, OLEDB and support for direct connections to MSSQL, Oracle and MySQL.
Task icon Execute DTS package - This DTS execute Task lets you execute DTS packages. Data Transformation Services, or DTS, is a set of objects and utilities to allow the automation of extract, transform and load operations to or from a database.
Task icon Execute SSIS package - This Task lets you execute local SSIS packages. VisualCron must reside on the server machine to be able to execute this Task. To execute remote SSIS packages you can use the SQL Task and type Job.
Task icon Execute SSISDB package - The Task Database - Execute SSISDB package executes an existing package in from catalogs (SSISDB).
Task icon SSRS (Pro) - The Database - SSRS Task lets you execute reports in SQL Server Reporting Service and return the result in various formats.
Task icon Sync table(s) (Pro) - The Sync table(s) Task copy MSSQL database the table from one database to other.
Task icon Google BigQuery - Run query - The Google BigQuery - Fill Task loads data into Google BigQuery private dataset table.
Task icon Google BigQuery - Fill table - The Google BigQuery - Query Task runs a query against Google BigQuery public or private dataset.

Encryption - Tasks which encrypt and decrypt using various encryption methods like PGP, DES,RC2,Rijndael and TripleDES

Task icon PGP - Encrypt - The PGP - encrypt Task lets you encrypt one or more files using OpenPGP standard. You can either encrypt with PGP keys or plain password. Optional signing is also provided.
Task icon PGP - Decrypt - The PGP - decrypt Task can decrypt one more more encrypted files using the OpenPGP standard.
Task icon Encrypt (symmetric) - Symmetric encryption Task provides simple encryption/decryption with a single password. The output is in RAW format, if you want PGP format then use the PGP Encrypt Task. The Task is using standard encryption algorithms like DES,RC2,Rijndael and TripleDES.
Task icon Decrypt (symmetric) - Symmetric encryption Task provides simple encryption/decryption with a single password. The output is in RAW format, if you want PGP format then use the PGP Encrypt Task. The Task is using standard encryption algorithms like DES,RC2,Rijndael and TripleDES
Task icon Encrypt (asymmetric) - Asymmetric encryption Task provides simple encryption with a certificate public key.
Task icon Decrypt (asymmetric) - Asymmetric decryption Task provides simple decryption with a certificate public key.

String - Tasks working with strings

Task icon JSON filter - The String - JSON filter Task lets you perform JSON queries with the JSONPath and the JQ engine against a JSON file or value/Variable.
Task icon JSON Decode (Pro) - The String - JSON Decode Task allows you to decode a JSON string from a file or value/Variable into formatted output.
Task icon JSON Encode (Pro) - The String - JSON Encode Task allows you to encode a JSON string from a file or value/Variable into formatted output.

File - Tasks which works with various file actions

Task icon Copy files - The Copy/Move file(s) Task lets you copy files easily based on file filters. Together with Credentials you are able to copy/move from/to network drives.
Task icon Sync files - The Sync file(s) Task lets you Sync files easily based on file filters. Together with Credentials you are able to sync from/to network drives.
Task icon Archive - compress - The Compress Task is able to compress files with the formats Zip,7z,Xz,Bzip2 Tar,Tar+Gzip and GZip.
Task icon Archive - extract - The Archive extract Task is able to extract a number of formats like Zip,7z,xz,rar,Bzip2,Tar,Gzip, ISO and more.
Task icon List file(s) - The List files(s) Task retrieves a list of files based on the standard file filter. The list of files is added to the Output of the Task. The output could for example used in Loops.
Task icon Read file - The Read file Task reads a specified file for use in standard output. This output can later be used in other Tasks. For example, you can use this Task to read a file that contains a message, this message can later be used in the text field of the Email Task. The content/output can be reached from the Variables.
Task icon Write file - The Write file Task lets you write any string to a file. The string could be a Variable, for example a result from another Task.
Task icon Touch file - The Touch file Task set the last write time of one or more file(s). The Touch file Task uses the standard file filter to find files that you want to touch.
Task icon Delete file - The File delete Task lets you delete file(s) with help of the VisualCron file filter which can base deletion on file mask, date, size etc.
Task icon Rename file - The Rename file Task renames a file. The destination file name can be altered with a wild card or a Variable.
Task icon Concatenate files - The File - Concatenate files Task is able to merge one or more files.
Task icon List folders - The Folder list Task lists all folders for the given filter and output format.
Task icon Create folder - The Folder create Task lets you create a folder.
Task icon Rename folder - The Rename folder Task renames a single folder.
Task icon Delete folder - The Delete folder(s) Task lets you delete one or more folders.
Task icon Get checksum - The File - Get checksum generates a hash (checksum) value for a file and outputs it to standard output. While CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Checking) is the default algorithm, this Task also supports MD5 and several SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) variants.
Task icon Set attributes - The File - Set attributes Task lets you change attributes for one or more files or folders.
Task icon Change owner - The File - Change owner Task lets you change owner of a folder or file
Task icon Set file permissions - The File - Set file permissions Task lets you apply security permissions on one or more files.
Task icon Set folder permissions - The Folder - Set folder permissions Task lets you apply security permissions on one or more folders.
Task icon Base64 - encode - The Encoding - Base64 encode Task encodes a file or value to base64 format and outputs to standard output or file.
Task icon Base64 - decode - The Decoding - Base64 decode Task decodes a file or value from base64 format and outputs to standard output or file.

Image - Tasks working with images

Task icon Image adjust - The Image - Image adjust Task lets you change colors, brightness and contrast in an existing image.
Task icon Image convert (Pro) - The Image - Image convert Task converts an image from one image format to another. Support formats are png, bmp, jpg, tiff and gif.
Task icon Image crop - The Image - Image crop Task removes the outer parts of an image according to dimensions specified to an existing image.
Task icon Image filter - The Image - Image filter Task applies a filter to enhance, modify or warp an image.
Task icon Image flip - The Image - Image flip Task flips an image horizontally or vertically.
Task icon Image join - The Image - Image join Task joins two images side by side horizontally or top to bottom vertically.
Task icon Image overlay - The Image - Image overlay Task lets you place an image or text over an already existing image.
Task icon Image resize - The Image - Image resize Task resizes an image by a precentage of the original size, by height and width (in pixels) or to a specific file size.
Task icon Image rotate - The Image - Image rotate Task rotates image by 90, 180 or custom number of degrees. This Task can automatically deskew a skewed image.
Task icon Image get EXIF data - The Image - Image get EXIF data Task gets EXIF ​​values ​​from the file according to the user-defined parameter list.
Task icon Image profile conversion - The Image - Image profile conversion Task converts the image from the input color profile to the specified output color profile.
Task icon Scan document (local) (Pro) - The Scan document Tasks lets you automate text, barcode and image scanning. It is possible to select individual parts of document and VisualCron will scan and save the content. Text will be available as Variables and it is possible to save images to file.
Task icon Scan document (cloud) (Pro) - The Scan document (cloud) Task lets you automatically extract fields and tables from various documents using well-known providers such as Azure or Google.

XML - Tasks working with XML files or strings

Task icon Read Node - The XML Read node(s) Task can read any XML file and pickup a specific node in that XML file, with our without the surrounding XML.
Task icon Create Node - The Create Node Task lets you insert a node in an already existing XML file.
Task icon Edit Node - The Edit Node Task lets you change a specific node value or attribute in an XML file.
Task icon Delete Node - The Delete node Task lets you delete a specific node in an XML file.
Task icon Transform - The XML - Transform Task transforms a XML file to HTML using an XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language) file. You can also provide the XSLT parameter which will be replaced by its value dynamically. XSLT is an XML-based language used for the transformation of XML documents into other XML documents.
Task icon Validate (Pro) - The XML - Validate Task validates that an XML file is well-formed, schema compliant or DTD compliant.
Task icon Sign (Pro) - The XML - Sign Task signs an XML file with a specified key.
Task icon Verify (Pro) - The XML - Verify Task verifies if the signature of the specified XML file is valid. If the XML file has been signed, this action can detect modifications to that file that may invalidate the signature.
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