The interfaces to VisualCron

With the Client/Server architecture there are a couple of ways to interact with the VisualCron Server:

Yes!.NET API - a programming interface which can be used along with Visual Studio or PowerShell - see documentation here
Yes!Web API - a REST and SOAP API which can interact directly and fast with the VisualCron Server - see documentation here
Yes!VCCommand.exe - a command line tool for performing basic operations - see documentation here
Yes!VisualCron Client - this is the Windows Client used for configuring the VisualCron Server - see documentation here
Yes!VisualCron Web Client - this is a web application, running in any browser, hosted by IIS Server - see documentation here

Yes! VisualCron offers an easy to use programming interface
Yes! VisualCron Client uses the API itself - this means that anything that can be done in the Client can be done by your program that uses the API
Yes! Our users has used the API, among other things, to create own web interfaces and to integrate their applications with VisualCron
Yes! Use either .NET directly or PowerShell to control the Server

Get started

Yes! Open the VisualStudio project or PowerShell samples in C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\API\samples folder
Yes! Download the get started manual here
Yes! Download the get API reference help file here
Yes! Add a reference to VisualCronAPI.dll and VisualCron.dll
Yes! Open the test project in Visual Studio from the API folder of the VisualCron installation
Yes! For help/support - please post your questions in the API forum

Yes! .NET Framework 4.8
Yes! Reference to VisualCronAPI.dll and VisualCron.dll
Object model

Object model
To connect to the VisualCron Server you need to create a Client object first. The Connect method returns a Server object. The Server object has access to all main objects within VisualCron.


The objects share the same kind of methods:

Add - adds a Job or other object
Update - updates an object
Remove - Removes an object
Get - Retrieves an object based on Id
GetAll - Retrieves an array or list of all objects within the group (Jobs, Conditions etc.)


These objects have events that you could add use to be notified when a Job or Task is added for example. This information is updated in real time during the connection.
Yes! No programming knowledge needed
Yes! Easy way of extracting information and logs from VisualCron Server
Yes! No dependencies or special requirements
Yes! Output in text, xml or json format

Yes! No programming knowledge needed - just run the executable VCCommand.exe
Yes! Created initially for administrators to activate VisualCron Servers remotely when installation has ben complete
Yes! Run Jobs through command line

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