Support philosophy

Yes! Even though we are experts in what we do we do not hold all answers - but together we will learn a lot from each other.
Yes! Sharing knowledge through the Forum is the best way to increase common knowledge.
Yes! We try to use all new techniques to support you. The forum, email and screen sharing are primary tools.
Yes! We act globally from Sweden - most of our customers are in the US. Independent on time it is always easier to reach us in the forum or by email. For screen sharing we schedule that kind of training.
Yes! Our response time is probably much faster than our competitors - the main reason is that we love support!

Support options

View the online documentation. Download: VisualCron help file, VisualCron pdf manual
Read more about the VisualCron API. Download: VisualCron API help file
The forum is the best way to share questions, request features and download the latest beta versions. Go to forum.
Video tutorials
View our online tutorials. Go to Tutorials.
Email contact
You can reach Sales and Support through email from the Contact page.
Screen sharing
We are able to guide you with a number of screen sharing tools. For training we use Zoom. Training is purchased by the hour and as many a you want can attend.
To arrange a screen sharing session please contact us here.
You can reach Sales and Support through phone from the Contact page.
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