New Version Release Coming! VisualCron 9

Dear VisualCron Customer, It’s been a while since we last wrote to you, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been busy making sure that VisualCron remains the most affordable yet feature-filled solution to your business process automation needs. We know you’re busy and don’t have a lot of time, but we have a major announcement we think you’d like to know about…

New Version Release Coming! VisualCron 9


We have exciting news for existing users of VisualCron and potential users alike: within the next two weeks we’ll be releasing VisualCron 9, the latest version of our business process automation software for the Microsoft Windows operating system. This new release is a great opportunity to make sure you have the most current, feature-filled version of VisualCron available. Here’s a quick view of what’s new in VisualCron 9:



Increased Encryption Capability


VisualCron 9 uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) AES256 encryption for locally stored values like passwords, the highest level of AES encryption and an improvement from the older and soon-to-be-retired 3DES standard.

  • For existing VisualCron users, this means that version 9 will not be backward-compatible with your current client installations. But when you install version 9 over your existing installation, VisualCron will automatically import your existing settings and upgrade you to the new encryption standard.
  • Also, if you use an existing version of VisualCron and can’t upgrade all of your servers to version 9 at the same time, you can still use dual desktop client installations as a temporary workaround. VisualCron only allows a single instance of the software to run at any given time, so you will need to exit one version before logging into the other.


.NET 4.8 Framework Requirement


VisualCron 9 needs .NET 4.8 Framework to run. To learn about, download and install .NET 4.8, click here.

  • You may need to reboot your server after installation for the changes to take effect.
  • Note that some earlier versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system do not support .NET 4.8. For .NET Framework system requirements, click here.


More Features and Fixes


There are many more changes and additions to VisualCron 9, too many to mention them all here. For an up-to-date listing of all the new features and bug fixes, see our VisualCron 9 forum page where you also can test this verson before final release.


What’s in Development


Here are some of the features that won’t be in the imminent release of VisualCron version 9, but which we will incorporate into updates as they become available:

  • New synchronization capabilities: We will soon be releasing this new feature, which allows one VisualCron server to selectively subscribe to part or all of the objects located on another server. This gives you more flexibility to set up a server as a test platform (for example, if you only want to subscribe to some object updates and not others), or if you want to use a server in a slave or standby relationship with a separate server.
  • Load balancing: This will enable you to use your VisualCron servers to schedule and allocate jobs, based on criteria you select like the maximum number of concurrent jobs per server or the number of servers to use. This is one feature for which we are still seeking customer suggestions for this feature, you can tell us what you think or would like to see here.
  • Redundancy features: This is related to load balancing, for example how to switch to another agent if a server becomes disconnected. We are still deciding how deeply we will integrate VisualCron with the Windows Failover Cluster. Like with load balancing, we encourage your input as we move forward with this capability.
  • Robotic Process Automation:VisualCron is a premier business process automation tool, but today the trend is toward robotic process automation, which allows for more automation to take place at the desktop client level. We are committed to introducing robotic process automation features into VisualCron in the near future, to give you the best of both business process and robotic automation capabilities
  • Mobile applications: We are developing a mobile application for VisualCron that will be compatible with both Apple iOS and Android operating systems. Through this app you can not only receive job and task notifications, but also interact directly with your VisualCron servers, and more.


Take Our Survey!


At VisualCron, we believe that meeting the needs of our customers includes listening to what you want to see in our software. The future of VisualCron depends on you. Check out our current survey, where you can have your say on current and planned features, bug fixes, added capabilities you want to see, and more. Please take our survey here.


What’s Next?


Keep an eye on our downloads page for VisualCron 9 availability. We’re finishing up testing, and it should be ready for you very soon. Or in the meantime, visit our main forum page for more information about VisualCron, answers to frequently asked questions, tutorials, problem-solving tips, and more.

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