What Is Cloud Automation and How Can Your Business Benefit From It

It has become very necessary for companies to embrace digital evolution and use technological tools in the mainstream of their business operations. Automation is one of the most used solutions for making your business efficient and increasing your company’s profit.

There are many types of automation that you can use for your business. For instance - reading automatic biometric readings for recording the attendance for your employees is one example of automation. Against manual processing, you will find this to be more accurate and efficient.

Just as this, automation has helped businesses to cut their operational costs and, at the same time, increase efficiency and overall productivity. Various researches have shown that Robotic Process Automation, once implemented, can finish 87.5 percent of tasks without any external assistance. Besides, there are researches when robots do a great job teaching other robots and do a pretty good job at that!

Automation has been very promising for businesses from all the industries in the past. With increasing demands of storage spaces, one of the most used forms of automation is Cloud Automation.

What Is Cloud Automation?

Cloud Automation reduces manual operations such as data backup, monitoring cloud files, handling cloud instance, syncing files, etc. in your cloud services (like Azure and Amazon S3). There are numerous tasks in cloud computing that are repetitive and should be automated. Tasks such as uploading a file, listing files, deleting files, creating folders, etc. are often used in cloud computing and automating them can help businesses to a great extent.

Cloud has become an inevitable part of businesses and, with the help of technology, is moving towards a completely automated cloud computing. There are many IT tools for cloud automation and businesses are using these tools to make their cloud computing fast, accurate, and efficient.

Cloud Computing, in itself, is a solution of data storage problems and cloud automation makes operating these cloud solutions such as Amazone S3, Dropbox, Azure, etc. easier and more efficient. The upcoming section discusses the top few benefits of cloud automation.

Top Benefits Of Using Cloud Automation For Your Businesses

Effective Resource Utilization

Operating cloud for businesses can be very time consuming and prone to error, especially when handled manually. So, how can be cloud computing a “solution” if the cost of operating it is more than manual processing?

Cloud Automation automates cloud computing tasks. The cloud functions without external assistance and, as such, reduces the possibility of manual errors in file upload, categorization, and other such functions. Nothing else of the company’s resources is spent on redoing errors and trying to spot a manual error.

More than often, businesses invest their resources in hiring highly skilled and experienced professionals for operating their cloud. No matter how repetitive a task gets, there is always room for more error and inefficiency. With the help of cloud automation, you can ensure effective resource utilization in your business and faster cloud computation.

Better Cloud Control

Using automation you can control your business’ cloud in a better way. Reputed cloud automation software, such as VisualCron, has inbuilt tasks that can be used and scheduled according to your business’ needs. Here are a few of them.

  • Upload File(s) (Pro): This inbuilt task can be used to upload files on cloud services such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, etc.
  • EC2 start Instance (PRO): This task launches an instance which uses Amazon EBS as its root device.
  • Azure - Start web site (Pro): Starts an existing web instance in Azure.

You can also schedule the execution of these tasks according to your businesses needs. Cloud automation software gives you better control over the overall execution of cloud tasks.


A business with benefits of cloud and automation has a great many advantages over its competitors. Not only you save time but also save resources for your business. This helps you to focus better on important tasks at hand such as product and service development.

Besides, cloud services are adept to scalability. No matter how many more services or products you expand to, the cloud can handle it all. With available resources, Cloud Automation helps businesses understand their IT environment and to scale speedily.

Enhanced Storage and File Sharing Options

In recent news, AWS has the highest share in the cloud market but Google’s cloud, with a growth rate of 83%, is the fastest growing. Businesses are continuously moving towards cloud computing because it offers easy data storage solutions and has secure file sharing options. Both of these are very important for every business

Cloud Automation software promotes the use of cloud solutions and doesn’t require any technical knowledge to be operated.

Data Security

Data Security is of the top benefits of using cloud computing in your business. Manually operating your cloud can cause a major leak in your confidential business data. With the help of a good cloud automation software, you can ensure the security of your company’s data.

There are no chances of error occurrences with cloud automation. The scheduled tasks are executed only when required. This helps businesses to protect their cloud’s data from any breaches and, thus, increase accountability.

To Sum It Up

Cloud Automation is a future technology and, with digital evolution, companies are starting to realize its role in the business landscape. Not merely cloud automation, automation (in general) is getting readily accepted by businesses from all sectors. What can you do exercise this long list of cloud automation benefits?

VisualCron is an integration, automation, and task scheduling program for Windows. It has many features such as task scheduling, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Database Automation, Cloud Automation, and many more. It comes with a user-friendly interface and requires no programming skills to operate. On the other hand, it also provides its own API which can be used to implement your own customization via programming. Click here to download your 45-day free trial of VisualCron with full functionalities. You can also fill this form to contact us today!

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