7 Must Have Features Of A Job Scheduler Software

A lot of corporate sectors, generally function by making use of job scheduling software for the functions that they perform. While choosing one job scheduling software for your organisation, it gets very important to look for some of the essential features that can enhance or repress the delivery of the services.

Some of the features that are must to be present in the job scheduler software are mentioned in the following section.

1. Easy to change schedules via drag and drop
Job scheduling is the process that requires constant change and for the same an ideal job scheduler is the one that offers easy to change options. Drag and drop happens to be the most convenient of all options that are available for the purpose of change in the job scheduling systems.

2. Easy integration with scheduling software
Job scheduling does not always call just for scheduling of jobs, there are multiple other things that are to be done and not all of that can be completed by the job scheduling software alone. For the same purpose there is often a need for certain other types of scheduling software and therefore, it is very important for the job scheduling software to be easily integrable so that most work is done without much hassle.

3. Provides guidance for machine utilization
The primary benefit of machine utilization is the guidance that it provides in almost every sort of work process. The job centric view helps you understand how to implement an efficient job scheduling. With a job scheduler, you make sure proper scheduling is implemented in place to avoid overbooking. In case any of the machines breakdown, the scheduler should also give you a look on the available spares for a replacement and to re-schedule the task accordingly.

4. No limitations to access
Another very important feature to look for in a job scheduling tool is limited to access from anytime and anywhere. There should always be an anytime and anywhere access to the job scheduling and this helps when considered from the technical point of view. There is only one available software code that allows the same and that particular code is written in HTML5 and Javascript technology.

5. It should focus on visual scheduling
There have been instances where the particular software was built from the perspective of the data and wasn’t built from the perspective of the users. To make it more handy and user friendly, it is very important for the job scheduling software to be built in the visual format. The main foundation for any job scheduling software must be the visual aspects and visual scheduling.

6. A purpose built scheduling engine that supports Visual scheduling
As mentioned in the above section, a job scheduling software must focus on the visual scheduling element of the same but cherry on the cake would be a visual scheduling supported with a purpose built scheduling engine. This works as a scheduling intelligence that which is supportive to the features during the time of rescheduling.

7. It should keep the delivery times in control
The sole purpose of creation or development of a job scheduling software is to meet up with the expectations of the clients and to bring about a better level of client satisfaction. An ideal job scheduling software is the one that controls all of your delivery time and works according to the same.

Having read the above pointers, you might have got a glimpse of exactly how your job scheduling software must be. Job scheduling software provided by Visualcron is exactly of the same type and provides such impeccable services. Therefore, relying on visualcron for the same would be the best ever option.

How Business Process Automation Affect Your Business

Business Process Automation helps businesses to streamline their critical work processes so that they can be more easy to perform and implement such as managing data and information.using BPA reduces cost, investment and resources. In addition, Business Automation Process is boon in order to increase productivity by automating major business processes via computing technology. When you join hands with VisualCron, you surely get the best version and effective version of Business Automation Process.

Giving a digital transformation of all your business data and information, BPA also ensures quality service delivery in a short span of time. BPA includes integrating applications, restructuring labor resources and utilizing software applications in entire organization.

Below stated factors will best define how BPA is positively affecting your business and its essential operations.

1. Efficient communication
By applying Business Automation Process, you actually enables your team members to work cohesively with a constant flow of communication that ultimately result in an on-time work delivery to attain the maximum output. It allows to get operations done in a simple and streamlined way. BPA provides one control panel that showcase all requests in a click. It shows every work in progress separately yet together in an accurate place.

2. Builds sense of accountability
Automation creates a surveillance for each step of the process. Be it initiation, approvals or rejections that makes every individual to work sincerely and perform effectively. This information transparency brings a sense of accountability for all your stakeholders. Also, this informs you about the projects who are taking longer time in getting done and which task has the records of frequent stuck.

3. Reduces cost and manual errors
When you substitute human resource to automation, you will find less manual errors and insufficiency of workflow. Automation also reduces administrative labor cost that actually resolves problems like delay payments, stucked sales approval and other payment issues. If you want all your process go flawless and error-free, then Business Process Automation is the perfect solution.

4. Keeps you updated with every operation
Applying automation not only provides you all the update of each item but also allows to keep a constant eye on the whole system. With automated system, you can track about how many requests has been occured and from that how many were approved and rejected. Also, you have the track record of time duration spent on one particular task.

5. Maintains hierarchy
Business Process Automation allows you to assign the approval responsibilities anyone in the organization without creating a reporting system. BPA becomes essential for those supervisor who are constantly busy, this make them free from each and every task.

Any application, automation or technological innovation is just to simplify your work in order to perform well, and keep work aligned. Business Automation Process can enhance the workflow and productivity with certainty. For more information, contact us now.

What Are The Advantages Of Automation Tool

A process automation is not only convenient for manufacturing but have also been proved to be more effective and efficient in non- manufacturing. The automation and scheduler tools help businesses to improve and enhance the productivity and accuracy of data and information. The low rate in error, not only saves your precious time but also helpful in creating a high return on investment on your every project.

In a business, Increasing the profitability is prior to all and every business type, whether it’s small or large is pressurized to attain the same to be in the market. In that case, automation software is a boon that not only easen the operational factors but also increases the client satisfaction. Visualcron has the most appropriate automation and Scheduler tools that are reliable and ensures the smooth functionality of your computer systems.

Here are some benefits of applying an automation tool in your business set up.

1. Productivity
Productivity is the main concern for any organizations and requires constant growth in technologies in obtaining the instant and urgent goals. Any other businesses have their many resources to increase the productivity and effectiveness,. But, when it comes IT operations, the expansion of desktop productivity is important and automation and scheduler tools are the resource that makes it happen. The automation tool keeps client/server system keep up and running.

2. Reliability
An automation tool is the best companion for IT organizations. Without this, you must face chaos, confusion and pressure. On the other hand, it is most reliable tool that eliminates human effort which ultimately reduces error possibilities in any data and information. Not only that, it can handle complex tasks more efficiently and effectively. This includes releasing jobs, ensuring constant communication, error-free repeated tasks and performing backups.

3. Availability
Business are more available on online platforms for any of the operations such as reservations, order entry, shipping orders or assembly instruction. These information should be safe and sound. Automation tool is the main resource that can ensure the availability of such data and information. An automation not only saves your important data but also creates a backup of your lost data.

4. Enhanced performance
Performance plays a great role in ensuring increased return on investment and client satisfaction as well. When you get your tasks completed timely and without any error, you definitely get the enhanced work performance and that too in a short period of time. Automation is the tool that ensures the constant enhanced performance in such IT operational organization.

If you want to boost your business productivity and return on investment, Visualcron will provide you most effective and efficient Automation tool that will be boon for your organization. To avail the service, contact us now.

Six Tips For A Better File Transfer Automation

Be it a corporate office or a government organization and even the educational institutions for that matter, every workplace includes the process of transfer of files. In educational institutions, transfer of important documents, notes, files, presentations etc. take place through file share. Majority of individuals use the manual booking file transferring processes. A better way to transfer file on a larger scale is by utilising multiple automated file transfer tools that are available.

Automated file transfer

File Transfer is an inevitable process for businesses. In many cases, transferring files time and again becomes a bit difficult. Automated file transfer tools benefit a lot in such scenarios. As in most of the enterprises, it gets really difficult to manage the data and create a backup of the same securely. There are a number of different types of file transfer protocols that help in transferring files with automated practises. Some of these are FTP or the file transfer protocol, SSH file transfer protocol, and the SCP. A number of automated service providing software and websites provide the same. Using each of those automated file transfer tools can work wonders for you. This blog consists of some tips for using the automated file transfer in a better way if you are already using it and in the right way if you will start using it.

Major tips for file transfer automation

Mentioned below are some beneficial tips from professionals for using the automated file transfer tools: -

  • Whenever you meet with instances of transient errors, like the locked file or the network outage, it is better to automatically wait and retry for the connection, instead of failing everything at the moment.
  • According to the next tip, in case of any failure the users must look for services that will send all of the diagnostic information to the email account of the IT support directly. This will enable the IT support to resolve the issues with much ease.
  • Make it a point to send across the command for transferring of a certain important file at least 2 hours prior to when you wish it to be delivered. This will resolve the issues if any by the actual time of reach of the file.
  • Programmatic workflows help a lot in directly triggering events. This helps in saving a lot of time and managing the time as well.
  • It is always a good option to pair automated workflow tools along with the automated file transfer solutions. Both of these when combined can bring about absolutely miraculous changes.
  • The most important step while working with an automated file transfer tool is to keep a track of all the results time to time. This will help you in understanding the file transfer trends in a better way and will also help a lot in case of troubleshooting whenever there is a failed file transfer.

The busy life schedule in which we all live, it gets really difficult to manage each and every file transfer on our own. Especially in large enterprises and corporate sectors, file transferring is an issue which is resolved somewhat with the automated file transfer tools. Some tips for using the same in a better way will always help. Visualcron is the first preference of almost every person that uses automated file transfer. So, what are you waiting for? Go get your automated file transfer tool from visualcron today!

How ERP Automation Is Beneficial

Enterprise Resource Management or ERP Automation manages all your business resources by providing business intelligence, cloud computing, helpful in market surveys and increases sales performance. Whatever the size of your business, It is the ultimate solution to deal with daily work problems.

The time of implementing  ERP system, you get two options to set the system either plan your work procedure according to the the system or avail the customized ERP system according to your work pattern. Visualcron provides efficient ERP Automation software at a reasonable price.

Here are some of the benefits of ERP Automation.

1. Enhance employees productivity
It’s obvious that employees often suffer from monotonous work and that lead to a bad work performance which ultimately results in poor productivity and bad business reputation. If you implement ERP Automation, you can ensure the nominal work is done by the system and employees can get the enough creative time to deliver quality work. This simply offers you enhanced productivity at workstations.

2. Time saving & Faster
ERP software  is the perfect for multi-tasking, hence saves humongous time of your to be involved in various work. This simply enables you to focus on more important work. Also, helps you to schedule work process coordinating with in-house Supply Chain Management and Distribution resource Planning. So if you want to save more time and increase your productivity, then this software is your business need.

3. Precise and Cost Effective
While you are operating your business, you need to ensure that every transaction you make is cost-effective. Investing in ERP Automation software is surely the smart and profitable transaction. In addition, you also can keep a track record of all the processes. With affordability, ERP also maintains accurate analytics and reports that helps in minimizing errors ultimately saves you spending extra money.

4. Business Accounting
This can be probably possible that a growing business may face difficulty in accounting procedures if they operate manually or every department is not linked with shared date. Obtaining a financial report or daily accounting takes huge effort and time, all can be directly reduced by ERP Automation. The software enables to integrate and analyse financial data with more improved way and less delay possibilities.

To sum it up, in order to ensure every aspect your business has got the synchronized operation, production and transaction, then ERP is the boon to be a perfect companion for your running business. We at, Visualcron initiates with innovative softwares to help your business , for more information, contact us now.

FTP Automation For Your Business

Businesses nowadays are challenged with maximizing their resources in a competitive environment. Automated files transfer infuse efficiency, speed and overall accuracy into business information exchanges. As the system of business today process automation environment, they are able to smoothly deliver enterprise critical data from one organization to another without any human involvement.

For most of the organization's files transfer between locations, partners, users and/or clients or customers is a major operational aspect of the business. Depending on your business industry, file and data transfer needs differ from occasional use to high volume transactions.

Is FTP a Right Choice?
The time before users could transfer their data across the web using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), FTP( File Transfer Protocol) was developed as an independent technology which enables users to easily move their important data from one location to another. Despite being considered an outdated technology, as for more than 40 years FTP is still widely used today.

Let's take an example,An IT person who spends the maximum of his/her time waiting for outbound and inbound transfers. What's more, many valuable hours spent troubleshooting the issues when file transfers stop or fail. Yet FTP automation is the best way your employees can turn their focus to other higher priority tasks. When you are managing a complex file transfer workflows or high demand for file transfers and when a file transfer is a priority, then FTP automation is the best solution to meet all your business requirements.

Major Benefits of FTP Automation
FTP Automation is a very useful tool, as it allows your IT staff member to [pivot away from tasks that involve file transfers and instead pay more attention to important projects. No doubt, Automation has reduced human errors and increased accuracy, and you still get the update about everything that takes place.

For examples, messages and email notifications can be programmed at points between automation process to indicate main things regarding several transferring activities. This is helpful for organizations to identify successes and failures and adjust accordingly. Other benefits are as listed below.

Complete Automation
With triggers, you can fully automate all the operations of your business. This significantly increases speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Plus, it also completely eliminates human errors and also ensures security policies.

File Monitoring
You can monitor your important files with better accuracy. For example, through FTP automation you can easily scan or monitor all the files that are created, deleted or even modified within folders on your networks, FTPs or SFTP servers. You can gain greater visibility in less time.

Productivity Improves
Sometimes, file transfers are even initiated on a recurring basis and IT staff get stuck in between confirming file transfers to meet expected service level agreements. The automation comes with FTP solution data to the correct person at the correct time. However, this means that the IT staff members do not have to think twice and focus on their works.

Automatic Scheduling allows you to execute workflows at future dates and times. You can schedule workflows according to you as ”one time” or for every minute, every hour or every day or any other interval according to your preference.

FTP Automation provides these powerful solutions, eliminating manually repetitive tasks so as your team can focus their talents and efforts on more important projects. For effective business solutions, opt for VisualCron for your daily business automation requirements. Contact us for more information.

Task Scheduler Software: All You Need To Know

VisualCron has been successfully adding almost all possibilities by developing reliable software in order to simplify daily tasks in an operational organization to meet the perspective result. Our task scheduler software is an efficient application to easen the tasks such as download a file, execute a process or make a SQL query.

Below is the brief explanation about the Task Scheduler Software.

1. What is Task Scheduler Software?
A task scheduler software is a computer application that helps in regulating the unused background program execution of jobs. The software provides the ability to schedule the programs or scripts according to time and date. It simply queues task in a sequence wise to help the user get a reminder to set the work priorities. This also enables the proper integration between real-time business activities that are typical operated in a traditional background IT processor using different systems and business application environments.

2. Why does it need?
A task scheduler software helps in reducing manual work that consumes time and resources both and often produce numerous errors. Having a number of errors can cost you a lot for handling as well fixing and that can be firmly accommodated by a task scheduler. For instance, an employee of an organization always wants to perform efficiently by managing his/her work priorities and delivering on time. The both cannot be done together within those provided working hours. So, he/she needs a software that can handle both of them effectively and efficiently and that is Task Scheduler Software. Also, nowadays there is no rule of 9-5 working hours, people now dedicatedly wants to work 24 hours and our efficient task scheduler software makes it easy to operate your daily assigned tasks with well-manage schedule.

3. Built in schedule tasks: The gone task scheduler
There was the time when the built in schedule tasks were used and was also time consuming as well as required a handful resources. Although, this software is used by many organizations, it has now lost its popularity amongst organizations. The main demerit of the built in task scheduler that it enables lack of actions and tasks to be in operational mode. It is more of custom scripts that is very rigid to manage and try-out. In addition, this task scheduler needs the user to understand the scripts and processes and is also very expensive. So, considering many issues in a built in schedule task, it is unable to use, at least in a today’s scenario where everything works on a fast space.

To quickly jump on the current status of your scheduled tasks, a task scheduler software is the perfect option that also ensures cost-effectiveness, time management and durability. So, this was the brief introductory elaboration of Task Scheduler Software. If you want to know more about trending technologies, VisualCron is always up to assist you in a beskt way. For more information, contact us now.

What Automation Do to your Business

Advancement in technology made the process little faster than it was. In order to stay ahead in market with this kind of cut throat competition, it is important for the business to make things simpler and easier within organisation.

The things were pretty different before when computer was not introduced to the world. The work was done manually by people which used to consume lot more effort and time than the time spend working on computers.

As, time changed we moved ahead and more technology popped up and made working style lot faster and easier which ultimately leaded towards rapid progress.

Now, business automation is one of the few concepts that created a buzz in market from last few years. The business made some great profits through utilization of it.

Doesn’t matter how big or small company you are owning there are some workflow which needs to be maintained accurately in organised standard.

“Time is money” and that’s what automation do best, let’s just give a sight to what automation actually do to business.

1. Flow in communication
Yeah, there is plenty of ways to communicate within organisation, email is one of the most preferable and best platform to utilize. still, there is lacking when it comes to organised collaboration. Automation make task for the entire team much easier when working together on one individual project. It provides you with the dashboard where all your request appear at once to all. It contains your essential messages and request at top which also states who read your message and what is the goal of message without explaining.

2. Accountability
When you adapt automation, at each step everyone is visible and accountable for their respective work. From initiation to approval and rejection everything remain at front and visible to every person who is involved in the task. This make not only the person who is leading the project answerable instead those also who actually delays. It also save time and conflict between the employees as there will be no finger pointing and asking questions. Everything can be seen right from your screen.

No human errors = less costing
Replacing human with machines eliminate the possibility of manual errors. The major cause behind money loss is human errors. The most common issues are loss of file, late payment, slow sales, approvals etc. with automation, your work will get done on time as everything is notified by the system itself to the team. However, if still it get delays or error occur then the person were it is stuck will be responsible for the loss.

Track your business
Not just an individual project but you can also look upon the whole work system and business through automation perfectly. Track the entire system and plan for further as per the status of work. See what is pending, what is on priority, how much is done, what failed, were failed. All of these at your screen on dashboard in front of your eyes. This lead towards eradication of the mistakes which is done previously as well as helps in achieving goals precisely.

Automation has brought the kind of technology that completely took company's way too ahead than those who don't use. Job scheduler software, streamline communication software, email automation all these are not just time saver but actually a huge impact on capital too.

Why Robotic Process Automation Is Becoming Need For Every Type Of Business

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is based on software robots or artificial intelligence. It provides agility and efficiency to deliver the work effectively in an organization. It allows you to transact or operate in any IT application or website as humans do. In addition, it also allows developers to cut down the complex automation of a company’s processes. Any task provided by company to an RPA robot, it performs the task same as a human resource does.

This technology has emerged as a boon for many organizations to efficiently simplify all the tasks with the help of RPA robot. Mostly the businesses who depend more on outsourcing their work, now find it more easier with RPA robot and prefer to complete the task internally.

Below are 4 benefits of Robotic Automation Process (RPA)

1. Compliant
Once RPA is implemented, you can expect every task is being performed with perfection and efficiency. Also, RPA is able to perform repeatable tasks at a constant speed with effective result. As it is done without any human intervention, the possibility of errors are really less. It immediately erase those events which become obstacles and force errors in processing the task. It comes with embedded safety and protection, so there is no requirement of human resources.
2. Compatible
As RPA works just like human resources would do, a company can take the benefit of not processing any policy which normally a human resource demands. This technology needs no any holiday plan or fixed PF; plus, it works 24x7. It also allows organization to perform the task without any interruption. The compatibility is on extend when you do not havre to hire any IT consultant and also no need to have coding abilities for employees.
3. Enable easy management
In order to manage efficiently all the business operations, it allows organization to achieve effect governance. It provides a centralized management which allows to monitor, schedul, control and execute the RPA software monitor. In fact, this also helps in analytics and auditing simultaneously. In addition to the benefits, it also builds a high level of security arrangements to the systems.

4. Happy clients
RPA enables employees to reduce the burden of repetitive work and huge tasks. The technology is perfect to coordinate with both the back office and front office. The better productivity on time ultimately satisfies your clients which results in a strong relationship and ongoing deals.

Every emerging technology keeps on enhancing the ability and efficiency of an organization and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is definitely one of them. Visualcron provides you effective Robotic Process Automation service to simplify the business operations. To avail the service, contact us now.

7 robotic process automation mistakes to avoid

The newest trend that is creating a lot the of buzz in the world of technology is the Robotic Process Automation (RPA). It is quite a thing these days in the machine learning and AI sector. If you are also the one who is thinking of entering into this sector, there must be few things you should know before starting. The process of Robotic Process Automation is a lot more than what it seems on paper. To be able to carry the process of software Process Automation you should know what are the common mistakes that you have to avoid, for the success of the plan.

1. Build a strategy: The most common mistake in the process to start anything new is the lack of vision and strategy. To avoid any pitfalls in the procedure, lay out all the steps and the events that will occur, also consider the problems that you can face. Based on all these factors you have to select a vendor. Calculate all the costs and expenditures beforehand. It is not a good idea to work on instincts and not getting the results you expected.

2. Engaging in the complex process: Now the point is not that you cannot work with a complex process, but if you are new to the field and just starting out it is advised that you stick to the basic process first. The one that holds high volume and has its impact on the maximum of your employees will be a good place to start with.

3. Ignoring internal resources: To start with the Robotic Automation Process make sure that you have a dedicated team within your organisation to take care of the technicalities in the process. So having a full-fledged skilled team is important to avoid issues like communication, strategizing etc.

4. Ignorance of tools: It is very important to understand that what are the tools and automation process that is already there before you plan on to bring something new on the platform. The automation strategy is more about knowing the potential for the automation of all business processes rather than acquiring new process.

5. No maintenance plan: Bringing the RPA into the system is not a onetime process, once you have a system in place, it will now require more work. As the business grows and its work plan and strategies change the robots needs to be updated too. Database automation is a key, but it still needs to be updated with time.

6. RPA is not led by IT: Given to its technicalities it may appear that RPA is an IT-led initiative, but it is not the case. Rather it is more driven by business and sponsors while IT is one of the key partnership members like cybersecurity and others.

7. Being overconfident: With all the researched information and the processing in hand it may seem that you might not need any help from experts to deploy RPA, but it is the biggest mistake. So always collaborate with trusted RPA vendor to avoid any delays and or the failure in the execution of the plan.

RPA has many benefits with its task automation techniques, but if you fail to address these issues, it can lead to the failure of the project so strategize smartly and invest wisely.

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