For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned- Benjamin Franklin

We live in a world of fast-paced technology and innovation. A minor calculation error leading to significant business loss cannot be accepted. Therefore to reduce the time wasted in doing repetitive tasks, prone to manual errors, resulting in a massive loss in the output, businesses should implement workflow automation.

A series of sequential steps that need to be carried out one after another with proper approvals at each stage from the beginning to the end is carried out by a workflow. Workflow automation is a technology solution that automates all the process involved in the workflow by eliminating most of the human intervention requirements. It helps reduce/eliminate the time spent on repetitive operations. This proves beneficial in the long run as employees would be able to spend more time on their primary tasks better.

Following are some other benefits of workflow automation, enough to convince any business to implement it instantly:

* It is impossible to eliminate manual euros, but with workflow automation handling the repetitive, the possibility of human error can be avoided.

* With fewer errors, the risk of potential losses to the business also decreases. Automatically handling repetitive jobs gives employees time to improve the business-critical skills.

* With the adept handling of repetitive task, workflow automation not only reduces the possibility of error or significant loss but it also saves time, which subsequently increases the productivity.

Improved work efficiency, coordination, enhanced productivity, business scalability; all this is possible only when workflow automation is implemented correctly.

If you want your implementation to deliver effectively, make sure you avoid these workflow automation mistakes:


Workflow Automation is an intricate system that involves processing several tasks. But all the processes cannot be automated; hence it's essential to have a thorough knowledge of all the processes involved before starting the automation. Identify and understand all the procedures correctly, else it might result in sever ambiguity, and the output might get compromised.


If your budget is less, that doesn't mean that you have to compromise on the software and hardware performance and quality. VisualCron offers affordable and low maintenance workflow automation tools that can automate and solve over 100+ custom task with their customer-driven development approach.


Conventional methods and poor tools could result in piling up of a massive volume of data, delaying the whole process and adversely impacting the result. Hence you should invest in a workflow automation tool from VisualCron that makes use of standard protocols for file transfer and script execution across different platforms and has a control based error handling system.


Regardless of how competent you think of your technical knowledge, essential and urgent things like Workflow automation can only be best understood by applying expertise approach of utilizing the right tools. To ensure a seamless workflow, adequate strategy, tools and resources should be implemented. These things are best left in the hand of automation experts like VisualCron that facilitates automation of all processes and saves significant time and money in your business.

Implementing workflow automation in business has become imperative since not only it frames structure and order, but with VisualCron Workflow Automation tools and software, you can gain better insights into the business, determine the redundancies, reduces micromanagement, improve the quality of products and services and much more.

Why Powershell Automation?

More and more organizations are inclining towards implementing automation for streamlining business operation and cost-effectively increase the productivity. One such scripting language and automation tool introduced by Microsoft Windows and Windows Server for simplifying system management are Powershell Automation.

Powershell is a powerful automated task framework with a command line shell and scripting language integrated into .NET Framework helping manage manual workload.

To take control of Windows environment, Powershell facilitates a massive set of inbuilt function utilizing the power of .NET Framework.

Following are the attributes of a robot PowerShell automation tool:

  • Dynamic runtime method tools
  • Agile scripting environment
  • Easy to use interface with Windows Management Instruments

There are several reasons as to why one should start using PowerShell:

  • Powershell is both A command line-shell and a scripting language. It enables an administrator to perform the automated task on both local and remote Windows system since it comprises more than 130 command lines tools for functions. Finding Powershell tools and resources is easy.
  • Many tasks can be accomplished with a robust PowerShell tool like error-handling, event-based triggers, audit log and enhanced security features.
  • Utilizing PowerShell implementation like that of Visualcron, PowerShell Task is also beneficial for an enterprise since you will be able to keep and edit the PowerShell script within Visualcron and simultaneously take advantage of Visualcron Variables.
  • Unlike text-based output, Powershell is object-based which facilitates performing multiple actions such as filtering, sorting, measuring, grouping, comparing on the object as it passes through the channel.
  • Given the Powershell object-based nature and secure integration with the .NET Framework, and other such technologies, Powershell is not only helpful for system administrators, but it can also help with the SQL performance monitoring, supporting end users without any interruption, etc.
  • With Microsoft introducing Exchange 2007, not all tasks can be performed in the Graphic User interface, and GUI will only be used for specific administrative tasks. Hence for other obscure functions, one has to utilize PowerShell.
  • GUI’s designed by Microsoft work as the front-end interface for the PowerShell and a PowerShell code is generated every time a function is performed through the GUI to complete the requested task.
  • With the help of PowerShell Automation, any task can be completed with a line of code.
  • Automating PowerShell through Powershell Task Visualcron picks up errors and output so that they can be passed on to the upcoming task by the operator.
  • Learning PowerShell means learning a wholesome package wherein the learners acquire the ability to control and automates associated integrated technologies simultaneously. Learning PowerShell also helps in being proficient in working and handling specific executables like net6.exe, schtasks.exe

But not everyone has the kind of time to sit down and learn automation, especially if you are responsible for running a large scale organization. You can utilize PowerShell task by VisualCron and their automation a, integration tools to simplify your business operations so that you can focus on the core values and strategic work of your organization in a more efficient manner.

Batch Processing

There are several domains in an industry which means an indeterminable number of tasks to operate. To ensure productivity, all these tasks should be kept on track in a streamlined way. An organization should incorporate and implement an effective job scheduling system to ensure smooth, error-free operation with enhanced productivity.

The changing business world has led to the emergence of big data which means more task to work on. Old ways of processing jobs won't work any longer. Companies not implementing automation or a job scheduling system are burdening their IT Department to perform the administrative tasks manually using repetitive steps that would drive up the cost to produce the product, taking up their valuable time which they would have otherwise spent on focusing on the core values of the industry.

Automation is a necessary component to yield best results at low cost and with proper utilization of previously underused or overused resources. For industries to be able to handle the chains of operation that leads to the manufacturing of products and services, they need automation to sustain various enterprise apps and performance, called batch processing. VisualCron Batch Automation allows capturing and controlling exit codes and outputs to provide value-added application execution. It also facilitates handling implementation of batch files with a more managed alternative to batch execution.


Batch processing is a process in which batches of jobs are completed in a sequential, non-stop, sometimes simultaneous order by the computer, ensuring large jobs are finished in a small chunk to maintain efficiency during the debugging process.

Batch processing has evolved from arranging census data by a simple punch to an automated workflow that is aimed at releasing more time and money for the organization.


1. Batch processing is an invaluable tool to reduce overall production cost, increase efficiency and make the business operation more stable. Answer the following question to determine whether or not your business should invest in a batch processing and automation system:

2. Are you manually checking new files and doing other jobs? How do you ensure that the jobs are done correctly and in the right amount of time? How do you ascertain the timely completion, processing, and submission of the task in the correct order?

3. Do you have a system to check whether a particular job is taking too much time? Or is the next job dependent on completion of the first?

4. When checking for a file, does your script spiral time and gain to ensure efficiency?  VisualCron launches any script with an optional RUN AS Credential, returning the exit code, standard output, and standard error, enabling to pass arguments into the executable. VisualCron Batch Automation Task is optimized for VBScript and JScript execution through cscript.exe which allows more control over the output.

5. Can your current set up trace reliance of the job over the servers? Does it have retries function available at task-level? How is the server getting affected by the retries?  How will you know whether the dependent server is available or not?

If you were able to answer these question in a breath without any hesitation, then you have it all sorted, which is a rarity. But if with these questions, you were able to better gauge upon the lagging aspect of your business processing, then you need an adept batch processing software like VisualCron Batch Automation to be able to generate high-quality productivity at reduced operational cost for fast and accurate results.

File Transfer Protocol: At A Glance

Since FTP Software development in early 1970 till now, it has been boon to business to securely transfer data from one server to other client computers over the internet. Many business owners have stated that implementing FTP software in their business not only keeps their confidential data secured but also helps them to modify and share those data securely. FTP Automation in VisualCron provides you the best version of file transfer protocol that seamlessly performs to reduce the time while keeping or sharing the data.

Adding VisualCron to your IT department enables you to efficiently streamline a bulk of data that are shared, transferred and received amongst employees. Although, you will find enormous options in the IT sector having a VisualCron version provides you more comfortable, secured and efficient performance in day-to-day tasks. Let’s take a look at all about FTP Automation:

What is FTP?

Copying files using two computers hailing from the same local network requires drive or folder to share and copy the files. But, if you want to copy files from one computer to another computer that is differently located requires FTP Automation to transfer or share the files safely. You can also simply share the files using internet connections, but that can be an abrupt and insured method to transfer the file. Hence, FTP works as a function with safety armors to safely relocate or transfer the file from one computer to another. The FTP Automation requires an uninterrupted internet connection to transfer the files easily. While it requires an internet connection, it can also work between computers using the different operating system.

How FTP Works?

The file transfer process is performed in basically two ways-uploading and downloading. When you transfer a file from your personal computer to server, it is called uploading and when you transfer a file from server to your personal computer. It is known as downloading. These performances are done through FTP Automation which further uses Transmission Control Protocol or Internet Protocol. So, if you are downloading files using File Transfer Protocol, then make sure it is being done under strict security.

Another way to securely use the File Transfer Protocol is using through FTP Clients. It is the safer option to upload or download files that reduces the chances of any virus or malware. When it comes to the security of communication of data, VisualCron supports FTP Automation ensuring the complete security while sharing or transferring the files.

Why businesses require FTP software?

An FTP Automation is a great invention to ease the daily tasks for/in businesses while ensuring a seamless and secure file transfer amongst computers. Companies need to share large files over the internet, and that should be sufficiently secured. The FTP Automation ensures precisely the same for businesses and provides them peace of mind. This is also important for not only managing their own network but also facilitates the secured exchange of documents amongst company employees.

To Conclude

Having a protected mediocre is essential for any task in any business and that’s why FTP has been developed. Simply, it is a safe middleman ensuring the file is safely being transferred amongst computers regardless of their networks and locations. To keep yourself updated with other revolutionary software, stay connected with VisualCron.

Job Scheduling Can Make Your Life Error Free

What is Job Scheduling?

The process of dividing the available resources (generally processor time) to different tasks/jobs by operating system is called Job Scheduling. Basically our system handles job queues that are waiting to be executed and are performed according to the set priority. Job scheduling make sure that all the tasks are committed on time. Operating systems like Windows, Linux, etc. feature basic Job Scheduling.

In this era, time has become the topmost priority. The explanation and importance of job scheduling is quite simple - to save time. Carrying out the tasks performed by job schedulers, manually, can be pretty hectic and prone to errors. Also, computers are used by every other person and not just tech savvies. Job Scheduling used to be quite hectic and required knowledge of scripts. But time has changed and we are gifted with technology that even a layman can understand and bring to his/her use. Job/task scheduling is no escape. VISUALCRON is one such company which excels in automation, integration and task scheduling which enables you to automate real-time scheduling.

Job Scheduling in Linux

As already mentioned, Linux facilitates Job Scheduling. As Wikipedia says - “Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel.” So in Linux, many important task are to be carried out at regular intervals. Linux provides the feature of scheduling jobs in the future. Job schedulers work on various scheduling algorithms such as - Shortest Job First, (SJF) First Come, First Served (FCFS) and few others to decide which job is to be executed first. Linux provides us with utilities cron and anacron which helps us to schedule a command or a script to run at a specified time/s.

Advantages of Job Scheduling

1. Job done on time.

Job scheduling makes sure that all the scheduled tasks get executed right on time.

2. No extra memory space is required.

The basic definition of scheduling itself states that it executes jobs from the prioritized queues in the available system resources.

3. Less error-prone.

Well, humans can never be as efficient as computers as far as job scheduling of a large number of tasks is concerned. Schedulers make sure to spot the errors, report accordingly and provide a fix for them.

4. Reduces manual labour.

The tasks carried out by schedulers, when performed manually becomes quite hectic and requires considerate amount of manual labour.

The concept of job scheduling was quite useful a few years ago but along with advancement in technology, a fine refinement has been brought to job scheduling. Real-time scheduling is the new big thing and are proving themselves to be quite helpful.

Job scheduling made simple with easy to use interface with no prior programming language experience, easy error handling, etc. provided by companies like VisualCron.

Why Does Your Organization Need Cloud Automation?

When resources are made available to the consumer via the Internet from a cloud-based infrastructure, it is referred to as cloud-based service. Cloud-based infrastructure is a model or virtual infrastructure from which on-demand services are delivered or accessed via the Internet.

With the organization expanding their consumer base, there is a crucial need for inexhaustible storage space, extensible infrastructure, cross-platform support, adequate data back and file synchronization. This gave rise to automation specifically cloud-based automation. You can find dextrous cloud automation solutions at VisualCron. It supports various cloud platforms and services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive and facilitates the monitoring cloud files and managing cloud instances.

Since consumers are increasingly relying on automation, businesses these days are incorporating one or the other type of cloud platform to align their operation with consumer’s expectations. Let's look at some of the benefits of adopting cloud automation in an organization or a business:


Mos of the defects that add on to the overall expenditure is a result of improper test equipment configuration. Since Cloud Automation eliminates the need for a complex infrastructure, it reduces the operational and capital cost substantially. VisualCron implements easy configuration strategy to save the time and money, proving beneficial for the long run.


With cloud-based automation testing, the tester has enhanced access to the testing resources and reports, which makes it easier for the testers to collaborate efficiently in real time. This further increases productivity and increases reusability of test components.


Competent cloud automation simplifies collaboration, instills transparency in the organization and refines application disposition by identifying and rectifying errors in early stages. This reduces the time wastage of going back and forth and also helps in mitigating end-result risks effectively. This minimizes the cycle time and enhances application development.


With cloud automation, companies no longer have to worry about the burden that comes with expanding the business as automation facilitates scaling up of daily tasks leaving the company unfazed regularly allocating the time and money.


There are many devices, platforms, and browsers and with this, the businesses are struggling to perform accurate testing in multiple environments at the same time and not one after another. Cloud automation has the characteristic of parallel testing that facilitates covering various devices, platforms, and versions at the same time. This further promotes continuous integration. Visualcron facilitates cross-platform handling.

Aforementioned are some of the key benefits of incorporating cloud automation in your organization or business. Automation results in judicious resource utilization, fair workload distribution, and smooth IT operation. If you are looking for adept automation, integration and scheduling tool, look no further than VisualCron. It has proficient tools for resolving all your Cloud automation needs be it: storage space, availability, latency, cloud instances for Amazon EC2, Cloud Azure, cross-platform support and more such customized services at affordable price.

Business Scheduler: Here Is Everything You Need To Know

VisualCron is the latest and newest tool for Windows, it is a task scheduling tool, that helps with automation and also integration. The beauty of VisualCron is the fact that people do not have to have background skills with programming. The interface is very easy to learn, and it is also a great business scheduler.

Schedule Multiple Tasks

There are over one hundred different tasks people can create for different technologies, and VisualCron helps find errors, making it easier to do what you need to do, without worrying about minor errors along the way, that may set you back.

VisualCron has many key features, and is also affordable for everyone. VisualCron also is based on their customers inputs, and they have the best support if needed. With the business scheduler and Task Scheduler, VisualCron makes it easy to succeed and be less prone to errors. By using the business scheduler, this is cutting time out of doing everything manually.

Operate At Your Ease

VisualCron makes it easy, this tool can connect to any already existing schedules, and import the settings as well. The best part about VisualCron, is that you can basically do everything from one place, without having to open and shut a million tabs. This software is very easy to use, and it is a smooth alternative to scheduling.

VisualCron is such an organized software, that anybody who uses it will be able to find their way around sufficiently and easily. This software is the next generation, and makes life and scheduling so much more bearable. By having all key factors and tools necessary to eliminate even the smallest human errors, this software is up to par.

Performance & Productivity Enhanced

VisualCron enhances performances, and also looks better then the typical scheduling softwares. They offer progress bars, and also status icons to make viewing more pleasurable and appealing to the eye. With so many key factors going for this software, it is no wonder why it is being used more in the workplace.

A Must For Business Growth

From innovative designs, to all of the key tools that are needed, VisualCron has got you covered. VisualCron can do the scheduling work for you, and inevitably help your business grow. Without having to worry about your scheduling tasks, and knowing that this software is reliable, this leaves you with more time to do other tasks needed.

By choosing VisualCron you will surely feel the difference in performance and in the overall quality of your scheduling tools.

All the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Stats You Need to Know

Robotic Process Automation is software that provides the implementation of automated abilities. The configured software is designed to execute manual and repeated tasks, normally done by human beings. Robotic Process Automation software needs only moderate IT background and can be programmed and trained to automate manual tasks. The Robotic Process Automation software can replace a worker's repetitive tasks creating a digital workforce.

  • RPA does not take the place of existing software. RPA integrates with current software applications. Business Process Management Systems are not directly affected since RPA is designed to complement these systems.
  • RPA software consists of many components. Primarily, the software implements tools for catching digital data. Digital data that can collect include grabbing of screen data, digital visual recognition, or the capability of a server linked to a website.
  • RPA software, unlike standard IT automation, can be aware and take on the changing circumstances, exceptions, and new situations. Once the digital data has is collected, RPA software can access multiple data, originate responses, start further actions, and communicate with other systems as if on autopilot.

The benefits of RPA software technology for both small and large companies are enormous. Basic office tasks will be able to be expedited through the use of RPA software. Type of companies, both small and large, would be commonly placed businesses such as insurance, finance, accounting, Customer Relationship, Human Resource Management, to name a few.

To explain the tremendous ability of RPA software, let take a look at a straightforward office scenario. A human resource form lacks a number for the address so the traditional software would pull the form from the system. The structure creates an exception. An employee would have to take the time to enter the number for the address, and then the corrected form could be introduced into the payroll system. If the Human Resources Department had RPA technology, the software could learn and correct the exception on its own. Therefore, no human assistance would be needed.

Benefits of RPA

RPA software benefits include increased and consistent quality, reduction in human errors while improving overall efficiency, much faster processing times, flexibility, improved utilization process, more efficient cycle times, and rapid return of investment. RPA becomes your virtual employee, does not involve the use of physical robots, integrates with your present applications, no changes needed in your existing infrastructure, and documents every step consistently.

RPA software technology can be used to automate processes that are digital, time-sensitive and of seasonal nature, highly repetitive processes, prone to error or rule-based methods.

Why VisualCron?

For further information on this fantastic software technology, check out the VisualCron website. Our core values are innovation, satisfaction, solutions, education, and quality. We strive to provide new features and deliver the most efficient software. Check out our site for further information.

Why Your Business Needs An Enterprise Scheduling Software?

When a business is in its early years, every employee takes up responsibilities of multiple roles, resources are scarce, and the tools used are often temporary and entry-level. The same goes for the kind of software a company uses. For an example, the company may be working out of spreadsheets rather than a dedicated ERP solution.

Enterprise level applications scale better to accommodate a growing business’ needs, and enhance employee productivity and bring about process efficiency. Similarly, if your business has been employing a consumer level task scheduler like the Windows task scheduler, here are the reasons, why you should be switching to an Enterprise Scheduling Software like VisualCron.

Achieving Automation

The most significant benefit of an enterprise scheduling application like VisualCron is that it has the power to automate whole IT processes. Automation brings obvious benefits to the table like reducing the number of man-hours wasted on repetitive tasks. Among the factors that make corporations pledge for automation are the cost reductions.

Going beyond time-based schedules

The basic Task Schedulers that come free or bundled with operating systems allow only time based scheduling of tasks, or a limited number of preset event based schedules. VisualCron, on the other hand, has more than 17 event triggers, in addition to custom time and interval based triggers, that cover almost every kind of event that a server system may encounter.

Operating on more than one server

Every modern business employs more than one server. These are often divided by their access privileges, the kind of data they store, or whether they serve the front-end client side or handle the internal data. VisualCron can operate so that it monitors events in one server and execute the job in another.

Negating the scope of human error

When humans are responsible for running processes, errors and delays are inescapable every now and then. An enterprise level scheduler makes no mistakes in monitoring system for triggers. It ensures building of a system that is interruption-proof and downtime-resistant. Ultimately, your business is based around a server system with greater reliability.

Abstracting Schedules

Probably the biggest benefit of VisualCron is that it allows for designing of a complex high-order schedule of tasks. In such a system, triggers are based on completion of other tasks, which are in turn triggered by other events. This ensures that there isn’t a process, however complicated, that can’t be automated.

Now the differences must be clear, why VisualCron as an Enterprise-level Scheduler can work to make it easier for your company to grow, and do what it’s best at, leaving the job of performing the crucial but mundane tasks to a machine.

What Are REST And SOAP APIs And How You Can Use Them To Interact With VisualCron?

VisualCron is a powerful tool for automation of software processes. It also allows for user interactions using a Web API (Application Programming Interface). It is a REST and SOAP API. In this article we look at what these terms mean, and how VisualCron implements them.

An Application Programming Interface, as the name suggests, works as a channel between two programs (or applications), allowing them to exchange information. This information usually travels one way, as in, the client software pulling information from the API doesn’t push the information to the API server.

REST APIs are the interfaces that are designed with Representational State Transfer system architectural style. The access to information is provided via resources, rather than request commands. The messages are self-descriptive, meaning that there is no need to interpret every message in context. The connection is also stateless, meaning that every message has all the information necessary to justly interpret it.

Also, how the data is represented internally in the server, is not exactly how the data is represented to the client. Hyperlinks also play a central role in interaction with any REST system. In the initial, and every message transaction, the server includes hyperlinks, which can then be used to gain further information.

SOAP APIs, or generally, all SOAP services, have existed for a long time, and transfer information using the HTTP protocol in XML format. XML is the Extensible Markup Language which was designed to standardize flow of information in the heterogenized web applications world. REST, on the other hand, can take advantage of almost any protocol, and provide output in XML, JSON (a JavaScript Dictionary object), and HTML.

Once you enable the Web API by allowing it from the “Server Tab” of the “Server settings”, you can choose to use unencrypted or encrypted ports. As the REST service communicates through the HTTP protocol, and outputs in plain text format, XML, and JSON. You can also set which columns are included in the message. In addition, you can also use the SOAP Web service. You can find the WSDL URL in the Web API tab in the server settings.

As you will see, the web API is an easy way of extracting information and logs from VisualCron local server. The best thing about this is that, in addition to being another way of interacting with the software, it requires no programming expertise on part of the operator. Now you can implement the knowledge gained in making the VisualCron more useful to your company’s needs. For more information on this and other uses of Visual Cron, consider reading the latest blog posts, or take a look at the documentation.

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