Why Is FTA Necessary In The Modern Business World?

Running a business not a cakewalk as there are various aspects of a business which needs to be handled perfectly. Among all the various aspects which you need to keep in mind, information sharing is one of the most important ones as in the modern day world, focusing on information sharing has become paramount for any business.

You have to share information with distant employees, partners, and clients in order to keep the business up and running. But with the advancement of technology, the tools used by evil-minded people have also evolved and that’s why every time you share information, you put the most valuable assets of your business at risk of theft, loss because of missed service level agreement or non-compliance with data protection regulations. That’s where FTA becomes necessary for a business.

What is FTP?

FTP or Files Transfer Protocol is basically a set of rules enforced when transferring information over a network. Users can easily download the information from the server by using an FTP. This is achieved by using different interfaces which also includes the browser. In layman’s language, the File Transfer Protocol is a set of guidelines which are used for transferring server files to clients.

If you want to understand FTP in a much simpler way then you need to imagine a simple Food Vending Machine. The client, in this case, is the buyer and the food in the Vending machine is the file and the machine is the server. The buyer needs to enter money in the machine and press a number in order to get his food and the FTP works in the same way. The client demands the file and the server provides the client with the required files.

What Is SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol?

SFTP or Secure File Transfer Protocol is basically a network protocol which makes sure that the data is transferred safely over a private and secured data stream. This network protocol was brought from thoughts into reality by Internet Engineering Task Force or IEFT in the form of an extension of the Secure Shell Protocols version 2.0 in order to enhance secure file transfer capability. The SFTP runs over SSH protocol and it supports full safety and authentication features of SSH.

You will be surprised to know that the very advanced SFTP is slowly taking away the market of FTP and soon it will wipe out FTP/S as well from the market. The main reason behind this is the SFTP offers all the features of these two protocols but along with this, it offers a more secure and reliable solution with simple configuration. So, in the presence of SFTP, using the traditional protocols doesn’t make any sense.

With the help of SFTP, you can tackle major safety risks like password sniffing and man-in-the-middle attack. By using advanced encryption methods and cryptographic hash function, the integrity of the data is protected by SFTP.

What Is SCP - Secure Copy Protocol?

SCP or Secure Copy Protocol is basically a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and remote host or even between two remote hosts. The SCP basically works on the Secure Shell protocol technique. In layman’s language, the SCP is file transfer network protocol which supports both encryption and authentication features. It runs on port 22 by using SSH protocol.

But one of the biggest concerns in SCP is the lack of file management capabilities. Whenever a client sends the request to download a file, the server feeds the client with its subdirectories and files which results into a server driven download. Such a system makes the protocol risky if the server has been compromised.

SCP is a very old protocol but is universally supported on Unix- types of platforms as a part of an SSH protocol suite. It supports other platforms in very rare cases and it is basically a descendant of the ancient “rcp.”You can consider SCP as a mix of RCP and SSH rather than a protocol. This is because the file transfer in SCP is done by using RCP and even the authentication and encryption is provided by the SSH protocol.

Why Is File Transfer Automation Necessary In The Modern Business World?
Following are some of the very basic benefits of File Transfer Automation which also makes it a necessary tool in the modern business world:-

Save valuable time

As a business owner, you must be aware of the fact that your IT department is always busy. In the chaos of assigning, archiving and maintaining storage for every user in the firm, they get very little time to focus on the core job. There can be various IT projects which could be hanging in the to do list but since your IT department is busy finding the document for the special person from the sales department who forgets where he saved it last time. Well, all these hassles of the IT department can be saved with File Transfer Automation and with valuable time saved, the IT employees can use it for being more productive and giving better results.

Enforce data use policies

It doesn’t matter whether it is for Intellectual property protection or for regulatory compliance, your organization must have data uses policies through which only a special group of people will have access to a sensitive set of data and that can be achieved by File transfer automation.

Better file monitoring

With the help of File Transfer Automation, you will be able to monitor your file with better accuracy and that will be a great advantage for your business. Through automation, you can scan and monitor all the files created, modified or deleted on your network.

Why VisualCron For FTA In Your Business?

VisualCron is one of the most popular and admired names in the FTA industry. With many years of experience and a long list of satisfied clients, VisualCron has mastered the art of providing the best FTA in your business. BY choosing VisualCron for FTA in your business, you will be able to capitalize on the benefits of FTA in the best possible way. Most of the people looking for FTA automation in their business go for VisualCron without any second thoughts as you get the most economical deal for FTA automation with VisualCron.

So, if you want information sharing in your business to be effective and efficient then you should go for the FTA automation without any second thought. In addition to making information sharing in your organization safe and secure, you will be able to save a lot of time for the IT department which was earlier wasted because of the traditional system of file sharing.

All You Need To Know About Managed File Transfer

Businesses nowadays operate multiple data-related processes to accomplish their objectives in less time without compromising on the accuracy and quality of productivity. The driving force of a company aside from the internal resources is how effectively yet securely are they able to communicate with their customers, partners, etc.

The digital age has given organizations a plethora of data to process information from and accordingly develop products and services to appease the customers. This massive data processing involves constant communication throughout the department and between clients, partners, third-party vendors via file transfer.

Do you know how much data we create each day with our current pace?

2.5 quintillion bytes of data.

Do you think the traditional file transfer system will be able to efficiently manage the copious amount of data that is disposed on per minute basis?

While the data is not showing any sign of slowing down, these traditional systems do not have the capacity to handle the bulk information generated in this time and age. They consume a lot of time and require extensive labor work, which increases the probability of errors and delay in file processing.

Also, it is essential to emphasize the fact that as the data is growing exponentially, so are the security concerns surrounding it. Organization’s data contains sensitive information, which has the potential to jeopardize a business standing in the market, if it goes out by mistake or with intent, allowing the rival to take advantage of the leaked information.

Traditional file processing systems offer low data security, and it also doesn't uphold the transaction required in the database management system to ensure accuracy, integrity, and completeness during the file transfer.

In this cut-throat market scenario where every single piece of data shared and received has the power to change the course of action, having a potent communication channel for immediate and efficient file transfer is essential. A file transfer that is not only managed adequately and processes as required but also adheres to the security and compliance measures is the need of the hour for the organizations to grow without a hassle in the business landscape.

This is why an increasing number of businesses are opting for managed file transfer by VisualCron. Our MFT automation products and software provide a secure data transfer through the network, be it internal, external, or ad hoc data transfer.

So, what is Managed File transfer?

Outranking file transfer protocol, hypertext transfer protocol, and various other transfer methods, MFT, provides for a secure and compliant electronic transfer of files, between systems and people. A platform that is increasingly being used by many organizations across industries, MFT utilized encryption and industry standard protocol for sharing of substantial data which can be of sensitive in nature. Unlike other applications, MFT is a more secure and reliable means of file transfer and storage.

How Can Your Business Benefit From MFT?

The technical capabilities that come with adding the prefix “managed to the file transfer” can benefit a business in multiple ways:

  • Improved Security:

MFT provides supreme end to end security for data in transit and in rest, with the support for PKI. The files will be encrypted with a specific code from the sender’s end and can only be accessed after entering decryption code. Thereby MFT ensures that the integrity of the file is maintained and no one is able to accidentally or intentionally alter the file in transit.

  • Compliance:

Almost every business today is covered by laws such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS. Any exchange of information or data through file transfer should be done adhering to these compliance rules. Failing to do so can lead to leakage is confidential information, cyber attacks, which will make the organization liable to penalty and breach notification. This will garner negative publicity, thereby damaging its reputation. With MFT you can rest assured that no matter the data, big or small, is shared where you wish to, in a secure manner with MFT facilitating policy compliance

  • Automation:

With MFT solutions, you will not just automate the file transfer but the entire business process such as backing up files to the cloud and a remote server, moving the file to the directory, then encrypting them and sending out to several trading partners, picking up files from one folder, etc. MFT automation tools and software save significant time and mitigate the possibility of errors.

With VisualCron’s MFT automation, you get efficacious, highly secure and comprehensive file transfer comprising of reporting, global visibility, automation of file transfer related activities and processes, performance monitoring, end to end security and more.

Why should you go for VisualCron's Managed File transfer automation tools?

  • Not only do they provide on-premise licensed software packages, but also software as service as well. We design for both enterprise and direct sale to the individual customer, which in case of enterprise use saves up a lot of information technology resources.
  • With our MFT solutions, you no longer need external SFTP and FTP solutions as you can host any number of SFTP and FTP with VisualCron.
  • File transfer over private as well as public networks is secured with VisualCron MFT automation’s encrypted file transfer protocols. Furthermore, VisualCron makes use of multiple data encryption methods to ensure that the file is stored securely.
  • Unlike MFT software and products out there, it is capable of supporting multiple file transfer protocols using SFT, SCP, FTP/S, HTTP/S which means escalated efficiency and productivity with a single software.
  • It allows easy integration with the existing application by the use of application programming interfaces. It also gives freedom to quickly generate detailed reports of the user and file transfer activity, so that the process is transparent to the operator.
  • It facilitates all-encompassing automation of the file transfer process, including identifying and managing of the failed file transfers, between the trading partners and exchanges.

Ensure controlled, secure and effective file transfer in and across organizations and systems!

Download your 45-day trial version of VisualCron's MFT automation software and products today!

How Can Your Businesses Benefit From Database Automation

Today’s business landscape has become more competitive and companies are utilizing their resources to stand out in their industry. Different forms of automation have helped businesses function effectively and boost their overall productivity.

The business world is moving towards “more machines and fewer humans” form. As such it becomes important to start integrating automation processes in the mainstream of your business. From minor task automation to major database automation processes, businesses have readily been using automation in an attempt to stay ahead of their competitors. Gartner predicts:

“By 2020, 85% of customer interactions will
be handled without a human.”

Businesses of every industry are moving towards this and automation has a major role to play in the process. The significance of data in modern business systems is not new and this is exactly where database automation becomes essential.

Need For Better Data Storage and Manipulation

Businesses thrive on data. Be it to boost their performance or to impress a client, stored data is of great value. People and businesses, nowadays, starve to get their hands on good chunks of valuable data - organized and easily fetchable.

Besides secure storage, you need better solutions to manage and fetch data when needed. Using SQL queries, you can retrieve the data you seek but what if you have to repeat the same query for fetching data - 24/7/365? As the storage of data becomes larger, it becomes more and more challenging to analyze and manage

Database automation comes as a solution to automate data storage, updating and fetching data by businesses. Among other aspects of database automation, scheduled SQL queries play a vital role in its overall execution. Before beginning with the advantages of using database automation for your business, let’s have a look at what are Scheduled SQL queries?

What are Scheduled SQL Queries?

In a way to look beside database automation, SQL Server Agent allows you to create a virtual team of database administrators (DBAs) that help to execute round-the-clock timing in your business. Scheduled SQL Queries are commands which are programmed for execution at a definite time interval using a scheduler. This sounds quite technical but it doesn’t mean that you have to hire someone with technical knowledge to implement database automation in your business.

VisualCron is an automation, task-scheduling, and integration tool for Windows. It helps you to schedule the execution of SQL queries by converting your text queries in the required format. Besides, there are many stored procedures coded for all kinds of basic queries. You can also select one from the stored procedures to schedule SQL queries as well.

Top Benefits Of Database Automation

Database Automation has many practical applications, beneficial for businesses from various industries. Here are some common benefits of database/SQL automation.

  • Efficient Solution

Like the most common benefits and purpose of implementing any kind of automation, database automation offers you an efficient solution of creating scheduled SQL queries and more.

Database Automation helps your business to achieve round-the-clock timing which has become a very important factor in the current competitive business landscape. There are no chances of manual errors in the overall execution of queries. Not just this, Database Automation also helps you save a significant part of your labor fees and thus accounting for cost-efficiency as well.

  • Parallel Execution

When dealing with complex databases, there are times when you have to write complex queries to fetch a particular category of data. Parallel execution makes the execution of such queries easier, quicker, and comprehensive.

Parallel execution is the execution of small subqueries (or parts) of a complex SQL statement separately but at the same time. Parallel execution, as expected, increases the overall efficiency of the implemented queries to a great extent.

Database Automation allows the creation of miniature SQL statements and provides scheduling their execution accordingly,

  • Easy To Implement

The easy and efficient execution is not just limited to parallel execution. Database Automation is no rocket science and can easily be benefitted by businesses of all kinds.

As mentioned above, SQL Server Agents allow you to create independent Database Administrators and can be scheduled to work (round the clock) when you are away! Database Automation is very easy-to-implement and this is why it is becoming one of the most popular choices of businesses worldwide.

As such, the use of a task-scheduling and database automation tool VisualCron can help your business with its stored procedures, text-to-query, and such other features.

  • Improved Business Focus

No matter what automation you are planning for your business, the main attention of your team must remain on the services or products that you offer. This is where database automation plays a significant role.

Machines are more reliable than humans. Once scheduled, database automation will continue to work and fetch results, without any errors, until intervened. This allows the management of your business to focus more on the betterment of the services or products you offer.

Why VisualCron?

VisualCron is an automation, task-scheduling, and integration for Windows. With its years of experience, VisualCron has evolved as software and offers a long list of automation processes such as general automation, PowerShell automation, managed file transfers, and many more. It also has stored procedures to help you with the execution of SQL statements and scheduling SQL queries. Here are a few

  • Execute SSIS Package: This procedure helps you execute local SSIS Packages.
  • Sync Table(s) Pro: This task copies a table from one database to other databases.
  • SSRS (Pro): It helps you execute reports in SQL Server Reporting Service and return the result in different formats.

There are many such inbuilt tasks that enable you to start using database automation in your organization right away!

Automation is the future and you should use it for making your business operations more efficient than ever. Database Automation is used to handle large chunks of data and retrieve information when needed. VisualCron is an easy-to-use and effective software. Curious to know more?

Download your 45-day free trial of the software for your business here!

What Is Cloud Automation and How Can Your Business Benefit From It

It has become very necessary for companies to embrace digital evolution and use technological tools in the mainstream of their business operations. Automation is one of the most used solutions for making your business efficient and increasing your company’s profit.

There are many types of automation that you can use for your business. For instance - reading automatic biometric readings for recording the attendance for your employees is one example of automation. Against manual processing, you will find this to be more accurate and efficient.

Just as this, automation has helped businesses to cut their operational costs and, at the same time, increase efficiency and overall productivity. Various researches have shown that Robotic Process Automation, once implemented, can finish 87.5 percent of tasks without any external assistance. Besides, there are researches when robots do a great job teaching other robots and do a pretty good job at that!

Automation has been very promising for businesses from all the industries in the past. With increasing demands of storage spaces, one of the most used forms of automation is Cloud Automation.

What Is Cloud Automation?

Cloud Automation reduces manual operations such as data backup, monitoring cloud files, handling cloud instance, syncing files, etc. in your cloud services (like Azure and Amazon S3). There are numerous tasks in cloud computing that are repetitive and should be automated. Tasks such as uploading a file, listing files, deleting files, creating folders, etc. are often used in cloud computing and automating them can help businesses to a great extent.

Cloud has become an inevitable part of businesses and, with the help of technology, is moving towards a completely automated cloud computing. There are many IT tools for cloud automation and businesses are using these tools to make their cloud computing fast, accurate, and efficient.

Cloud Computing, in itself, is a solution of data storage problems and cloud automation makes operating these cloud solutions such as Amazone S3, Dropbox, Azure, etc. easier and more efficient. The upcoming section discusses the top few benefits of cloud automation.

Top Benefits Of Using Cloud Automation For Your Businesses

Effective Resource Utilization

Operating cloud for businesses can be very time consuming and prone to error, especially when handled manually. So, how can be cloud computing a “solution” if the cost of operating it is more than manual processing?

Cloud Automation automates cloud computing tasks. The cloud functions without external assistance and, as such, reduces the possibility of manual errors in file upload, categorization, and other such functions. Nothing else of the company’s resources is spent on redoing errors and trying to spot a manual error.

More than often, businesses invest their resources in hiring highly skilled and experienced professionals for operating their cloud. No matter how repetitive a task gets, there is always room for more error and inefficiency. With the help of cloud automation, you can ensure effective resource utilization in your business and faster cloud computation.

Better Cloud Control

Using automation you can control your business’ cloud in a better way. Reputed cloud automation software, such as VisualCron, has inbuilt tasks that can be used and scheduled according to your business’ needs. Here are a few of them.

  • Upload File(s) (Pro): This inbuilt task can be used to upload files on cloud services such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, etc.
  • EC2 start Instance (PRO): This task launches an instance which uses Amazon EBS as its root device.
  • Azure - Start web site (Pro): Starts an existing web instance in Azure.

You can also schedule the execution of these tasks according to your businesses needs. Cloud automation software gives you better control over the overall execution of cloud tasks.


A business with benefits of cloud and automation has a great many advantages over its competitors. Not only you save time but also save resources for your business. This helps you to focus better on important tasks at hand such as product and service development.

Besides, cloud services are adept to scalability. No matter how many more services or products you expand to, the cloud can handle it all. With available resources, Cloud Automation helps businesses understand their IT environment and to scale speedily.

Enhanced Storage and File Sharing Options

In recent news, AWS has the highest share in the cloud market but Google’s cloud, with a growth rate of 83%, is the fastest growing. Businesses are continuously moving towards cloud computing because it offers easy data storage solutions and has secure file sharing options. Both of these are very important for every business

Cloud Automation software promotes the use of cloud solutions and doesn’t require any technical knowledge to be operated.

Data Security

Data Security is of the top benefits of using cloud computing in your business. Manually operating your cloud can cause a major leak in your confidential business data. With the help of a good cloud automation software, you can ensure the security of your company’s data.

There are no chances of error occurrences with cloud automation. The scheduled tasks are executed only when required. This helps businesses to protect their cloud’s data from any breaches and, thus, increase accountability.

To Sum It Up

Cloud Automation is a future technology and, with digital evolution, companies are starting to realize its role in the business landscape. Not merely cloud automation, automation (in general) is getting readily accepted by businesses from all sectors. What can you do exercise this long list of cloud automation benefits?

VisualCron is an integration, automation, and task scheduling program for Windows. It has many features such as task scheduling, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Database Automation, Cloud Automation, and many more. It comes with a user-friendly interface and requires no programming skills to operate. On the other hand, it also provides its own API which can be used to implement your own customization via programming. Click here to download your 45-day free trial of VisualCron with full functionalities. You can also fill this form to contact us today!

Why Your Organization Needs Encryption Automation?


Technology has undoubtedly made operation in an organization easy, efficient and more productive but the same technology poses a threat to the organization leveraging from it.

If there’s any threat scarier to an organization than that of not being able to make a profit, it would be losing their data to cyber thieves. Per a recent study published by Gallup, Americans are more concerned about being a victim of cybercrime than a violent attack. In this, 71.5 are worried about being hacked and 67% fear of their identity being stolen.

Cyber Crimes are increasing at a rate faster than expected. It’s only April, and per recent research findings, close to 1.76 million user’s data has been leaked in January alone. With the increasing hacking and data breaches, cybersecurity is now becoming a challenge for businesses. To make the condition worse, it has been found out in a study conducted by Varonis that 41% of the companies have more than 100 files with sensitive information that is left unprotected, open to all and 58% have over 100,000 folders to everyone.


Do you know how crippling cybercrime is to an organization?

  • Data leak and breach, identity theft, ransomware attacks, phishing web-based attacks, and such crimes impact the business to the extent of irreparable damage. Accenture reported a total of 27% increase in the cybercrime cost from 2015 to 2017. This is a staggering revenue loss.
  • Aside from that, the reputation that took you years or decades to build could be tarnished forever with a minor leak of user’s sensitive data. Not only will this adversely impact your organization’s productivity but the lost trust amongst the customers would lead to them breaking all ties. Your organization might not be considered credible to partner with, and the public perception would get ruined forever.
  • The impact of cybercrime has the potential to throw your organization out of the competition, although a damaged reputation would do the same, cybercrime can further lead to loss of your intellectual property. Losing ideas, plans, marketing campaigns will remove any possibility of standing back again in the market. The cybercriminal might even sell these ideas to your competitors, which is the last thing you would want.


  • This is why every organization should invest in an encryption framework that can protect the sensitive data from being accessed by an unauthorized individual or a department. An encryption software converts the data being processed into an unreadable cipher code which can only be accessed with a cipher key.

Wondering how encrypted data can safeguard your organization?

  • Encryption ensures that the data is protected and the possibility of data breaches is significantly reduced to a minimum. This protects your organization from being caught in a lawsuit that a customer might have files, in case their confidential data would have leaked.
  • A piece of encrypted information, even if it got into the hands of the cyber thieves cannot get decoded, thereby encryption systems prevent data breaches. This will prevent your intellectual property from being used against you.
  • Encryption, aside from safeguarding you from having to pay a hefty penalty, is also a good practice of keeping your customers confident about your services.
  • Above all privacy is a fundamental right and must not be taken for granted. Regardless of the device you use, make sure to keep it protected be it smartphones, tablets, desktops, USB sticks, servers, and soon-to-be-recycled hardware.
  • With an encryption system in place, you get data, device and content security, and the more you encrypt the data, the lesser are the chances of a cybercriminal attacking it ( or even if they attack, you can rest assure they won't be able to make a profit out of it).

Encryption can be done in two forms: symmetric and asymmetric. While a symmetric key can be easily decrypted by anyone, since there is one secret key, an asymmetric is better in data protection as it has a key pair, one public, and one private key. The private key is available only to the person sending the message and top decrypt it; a matching public key has to used. This heightens the data protection.


While encrypting and decrypting data is critical in this vulnerable world, but implementing it on the system takes a toll on the processor which then impacts the performance of the system. Aside from this it also leads to massive wastage of time in encrypting and decrypting data.


This is why your organization needs automation to speed up the encryption/decryption process. It offers the following benefits:

  • While encryption provides a basic level of security to an organization's sensitive data, automation ensures configuration and customization of the encryption methods. This further protects specific data and seizes any interference with network communication.
  • Automating the encryption and decryption process reduces the manual work, thereby ensuring enhanced quality by reducing human error.
  • It ensures that the data is safe and secure at the central server and there will be a proper selection of files and key every time a piece of information has to be encrypted/decrypted.
  • Automating encryption/decryption reduce the utilization of critical internal resources and the hassle of troubleshooting also reduces drastically, thereby saving the organization significant money.

Looking for a solution to encrypt and decrypt your data at a faster speed?

Implement Visual Cron's Encryption automation software.
Visual Cron, a provider of proficient automation, integration and scheduling tool for Windows, proffers encryption automation service to ensure impenetrable data protection without burdening the operator.

  • It provides asymmetric and symmetric encryption for OpenPGP standard, by utilizing the central keyring manager for creating and storing the PGP rings. These rings can later be also used in tasks.
  • It also offers direct symmetric encryption/decryption with various encryption algorithm such as RC2, DES, 3DES, etc.

So what are you waiting for?

Encrypt your data today!

Download and try Visual Cron's Encryption Automation software for free for the next 45 days.

How Job Scheduling Can Increase The Productivity Of Your Business?

Incorporating automation in manual operations has become an essential part of running a business. Organizing an enterprise is a massive undertaking for anybody. Automated solutions would help to attain new heights of availability, reliability, and productivity. It is crucial to coordinate complex operations across many different systems and for this, including a cross-platform enterprise Job scheduler such as SSIS Job Scheduling, which is basically a component of Microsoft SQL server database software designed to make data migration easier. This platform is used for data integration and workflow application for warehousing tools used to Extract, Transform and Load(ETL) operations.

Task Scheduling Software or Project Management Software that are offered by VisualCron is essential. It allows you to efficiently control and automate your job streams, including the ones with intricated dependencies. We assure you that comprising automation solutions will significantly reduce your reliance in manual management of workflow.

In this realm of automation, businesses can now run on a solution that enables them to operate without a hitch. To be rest assured of the benefits that job schedulers like SSIS Job Scheduling or project management software offer, we have discussed a few that your business can entitle by including it for their operations;

Increased Efficiency

Job scheduler like SSIS Job Scheduling software increases throughout by automating the production. It is a very efficient tool for data warehousing. Although, some may believe that it’s high-end setup is to cater to big businesses, but that’s not true!

This advanced software is an ideal choice for the enterprise of all sizes since every organization is dealing with large repeated work tasks that require to be carried out. Saving time and money by eliminating lag time between jobs and minimizing operator intervention, a job scheduler could be a knight in shining armor to your association. If you are ready to trim hours and allow the computer to take charge, include VisualCron SSIS Job Scheduling for an efficient workflow. For instance, it can help you perform a task in parallel, which could result in enhanced performance.

Our SSIS packages use a visual development tool based on Microsoft Visual Studio called the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), which allows editing in SSIS packages with a drag-and-drop user interface in order to make it easier to function.

Decreases business expenses:

A job scheduler is relatively inexpensive in comparison to the cost of manual operations, which offers a key incentive for business operations that are seeking to reduce costs. The software used for job scheduling can function task and eliminate the number of personnel required to perform that particular task. That is the power of automation you can endeavor by integrating job scheduling in your business. It can boost the production to an immense extent as compared to the manual functioning of your company.

Works After Office Hours As Well

When your workers go home, the system charged with the job scheduling software of VisualCron can continue the work. This is an essential benefit of job scheduler such as SSIS Job Scheduling that the computer can be set to carry out processing tasks during after-hours periods. This will advertise your business in driving down processing costs, and will ultimately profit the company in the long run.

Yields Minimal Errors

By availing automatic scheduling, be assured of negligible chances of errors. Job scheduler eliminates the possibility of error to the minimal, unlike what we encounter in manual processing. Automated scheduling secure that prerequisite jobs are completed successfully and the data is accurate. It enables the provision to structure any special processing that is required to be performed. With a job scheduler, you won’t have to worry about any missed out jobs or skipped sequence.

What makes Visual Cron's SSIS job scheduling different from others:

There are certain tasks that work with databases at different levels. Here are a few options available at Visual Cron:

Execute SSIS Package: With this task of VisualCron, you can execute your local SSIS packages. VisualCron will have to reside on the server machine to execute this task and to the execute remote SSIS packages you can use the SQL Task and type job.

SQL: This task allows the execution of a SQL command or a stored procedure against any database with the by ODBC, OLEDB. It also enables support for direct connections to MSSQL, Oracle and MySQL.

If you wish to leverage the workload automation that accompanies job scheduling software, then you have come to the right place. VisualCron has all the automation, integration and job scheduling tool that an expanding company desires.

Try our 45-day free trial before paying a single penny for the software.

Debunking The Myths Of Automation Software

Are you thinking of installing automation software in your company? Are you afraid what if its misconceptions come true and you end up making a wrong decision? It’s true that well-designed automation software can largely affect the productivity of a company. However, there are still some myths revolving around automation software that need to be busted right away! It’s something that can give you an edge over your competitors by simplifying your day to day tasks as it is vital to pay more attention to the development of the firm by detecting and eliminating faulty areas. We have listed a few such misconceptions to help you make the right decision. Have a look:

It shows accelerated results instead of complicating simple tasks

One big misconception that is doing the rounds lately is that automation software makes the entire process more complicated than simplifying operations. However, the truth is that automation software assures a higher efficiency of the firm by making an enormous difference in the overall time frame of the task at hand. For example, file transfers become such an easy task with automation software with the help of Automate File Transfer. It simplifies the process and secures your files by disabling interruption from any other unauthorized source with the help of multiple data encryption methods. It eliminates errors by assuring correct functionality across areas. This is just one example of how automation software simplifies tasks instead of complicating them.

It does not increase business expenses

Automation software is often known to be quite expensive. While we try out new technology for our business operations, first thought that crosses our minds is whether it is affordable or not? The best way to go about it would be to analyze what will be the return of investment that it will be able to offer? Same goes for automation software. Automation software just doesn’t make tasks easier to perform but also increases the efficiency and output of the company. It reduces the manual work and hence makes your system less prone to errors. Automating tasks along with easy configuration saves the time and effort that gives you room to brainstorm on other operations as well. Which helps in greater revenues for the company and hence bring in more money without costing too much. With 100+ custom tasks for different technologies we are sure we can solve and automate your problems.

It is a highly adaptable product as opposed to the misconception

Another misconception that we often hear is that one ends up assuming that the software won’t go well with their firm’s operations and turn out to be incompatible with a lot of other tasks as well. However, the truth is that we, here at VisualCron, offer you 45 days of the free trial of the software so that you can find out for yourself and can trust us in a much better way. In this time and age every customer expects zero response delay and real time data is always appreciated. In order to help you with it, automation tool systems are built to respond to changes and events accordingly and provide accurate results with lightning speed.
Progress bars, status icons are just a few things that VisualCron uses to enhance the real time experience. We provide tailor-made solutions that streamline your business operations and help with the firm’s productivity. We base our development on feature requests from our customers. A well-designed automated command will make performing complicated tasks easier for you. And that is exactly what we offer. Automation tool, workflow automation, workload automation, business automation software, business process automation software and task scheduler are some of the names used to describe the software that provides automation for windows.

It does not require specialized personnel for implementation

This one myth is something that holds back most companies from implementing automation software in their firms. And that is, most people think that it takes specialized personnel to run such software. Someone that has more to do with programming software. However, the truth is that automation software like VisualCron has an easy to use interface that helps big time in learning and creating tasks without much difficulty. It is not only affordable to purchase but also super easy to maintain. For example, one can quickly learn how to perform the function of automate file transfer because it uses common protocols for file transfer and script execution across different platforms.

Why VisualCron?

Through the implementation of Visual Cron, documentation of the company’s operations becomes relatively easier and you get to have the liberty to divide your time more effectively. VisualCron offers you the kind of services that are unbeatable in the market. We have listed a few of our features to give you a glimpse of how VisualCron can be a good investment for your company:

  • Desktop macro - The Desktop macro Task lets you automate in a visual way. Desktop macro Task records your mouse moves and keystrokes and can play them back for you any time.
  • Remove Variable - The Remove-Variable Task lets you automate the removal of existing Variables.
  • Unlock workstation - The System unlock Task can auto-logon or unlock a desktop. If a screensaver is running it will break free from that one too.

Attributes To Look In A Job Scheduling Software That Will Help Your Business

Knowing the importance of resources is essential for running any business irrespective of the size. While human resource is indeed essential to get the operation done, automation is also emerging as one of the crucial resources for the businesses. Implementing job scheduling software such as DTS scheduling can significantly ease up your management task and would save a considerable amount of time. It assures that the functions executed are based on their priority in the enterprise. This is a proven fact since many businesses stated that job scheduling software had given them a great relief as many tasks can be now integrated trough job schedulers. This is the reason they are hastily gaining importance in the corporate world.

In addition to providing a cost-effective solution that free up time for your operators to perform more important tasks, Job scheduling software offer furthermore benefits that would help your business to grow:

Cost- effective:

It is necessary to review the performance and providing feedback to your operators. Management of such operation could eat up a lot of time and money of your employees. Therefore, implementing job scheduling software such as DTS scheduling might come in handy for such tasks. They can be cost-effective since everything is based on automation and you can manage all operations on the software itself. It doesn't even need any kind of expensive hardware. The basic functioning computer would be enough to manage all your task with DTS scheduling software such as VisualCron.

Increases Off-the-clock time:

At the end of the day, your worker would go home but a computer with a job scheduling software installed can continue the work without manual supervision. The task can be priorly set for the computer to process during after-hours periods. This could result in driving down processing costs. Your employees would also count it as a big convenience since all the predetermined tasks will be executed even before they come home the next day.

Improved functions for a business of all sizes:

As we have mentioned it before, job scheduling would be an efficient asset no matter what size your business. There are repeated work tasks that need to be carried out in every company; which job scheduling software is ideally suited to do.

There would be an evident upscale in the workflow after incorporating job scheduling to your business. You would get insurance of no manipulation of data when allocating particular permission to different departments and employees. The managers can track and examine the reports of the task completion and status of a specific task given to executives.

More attributes of job scheduling that could be beneficial for your business operations. While visualCron could be your one stop for every problem. It is combined with most integrated tools that deliver interaction, automation and task scheduling in one place. Our DTS scheduling eliminates human offers and provides accurate results. Customer's needs is a top-priority at VisualCron, and therefore, we offer you a 45-days trial period of our software. Download your free trial today and see for yourself what VisualCron can do to your business operations!

Top 4 Ways How Your Business Can Benefit Using SNMP

Have you ever wondered how difficult it would have been to manage without networks? To start with, sharing between your company’s systems would have been very hectic. Luckily, there is an evolved network system to help your businesses function efficiently. But, let’s face it - even for the most experienced IT professionals, managing networks of their businesses become too much work without even a small room for errors. The evolution in technology is at its peak and we have Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) that helps to manage and monitor networks/devices better. 

SNMP: A Brief Introduction

SNMP is a protocol that helps you to manage network devices and isolate related problems. This means SNMP is designed to share the burden of network administrators in managing network devices and ensuring their safety which is a very import part of your business’ operations. It not only helps to check the health of each router (even its temperature) but also helps you to maintain the chain of connected devices - any device with software that allows retrieval of SNMP information.

In simpler terms, this means that you don’t have to check every connected system in a network in case of a problem. Using SNMP tasks you know exactly where is the problem and what is its cause! SNMP can be used to manage all kinds of devices and not just routers. 

Better Network Management With SNMP

A minor glitch or virus in your company’s network can cause a lot of damage - financial, trade secrets, reputation, and what not! Simple Network Management Protocol helps you to maintain the security of your company’s network by using messages called traps and polling.

  • SNMP Traps

Traps are messages generated by an SNMP device if a change in the network is detected. This means traps are emergency messages which are sent by a device to the controller called “SNMP Manager”. As such, IT administrators don’t have to check each device to ensure their safety but are notified by the devices itself when required.

  • SNMP Polling

SNMP Polling is basically the controller (SNMP Manager) asking individual devices about their safety - retrieving information about any faulty behavior or connection problems. SNMP uses these two message types, besides others, to ensures the safety and security of the network system in your company. 

Why VisualCron Tasks For SNMP Of Your Business?

Operating SNMP can be difficult and can be quite hectic to manage all the related operations at once. This calls for SNMP tasks that can automate the execution of network management commands. VisualCron is automation, task scheduling, and integration tool for Windows. It comes with inbuilt tasks for all the basic commands of network management and allows the creation of new tasks when needed. Here are a few of them.

  1. SNMP Get: This task issues a GETNEXT message for an agent - device or router to inspect the value of the next variable.
  2. SNMP Set: This inbuilt task of VisualCron ask an agent to alter the SNMP value to a variable.
  3. SNMP Get Bulk: The GETBULK message ask an agent to inspect a group of values in a transaction.

There are many such SNMP task in VisualCron that makes managing your network easier and productive. Want to know more? Click here to download your 45-day free trial of the software today!


When Investing In An Automation Software? Few Things You Should Know

Is your business functioning as efficiently as it can? A question like this can make businesses rethink their ways of operation and find solutions to increase the overall efficiency. And more often than not, these solutions are about the use of automation, task scheduling, and integration in your business operations. In the current competitive business landscapes, it becomes important for you to use the latest technological solutions aiming at the betterment of your consumers’ satisfaction - better than what your competitors have to offer!


Automating Execution Of Tasks

A task can be as simple as ‘download a file’ or ‘print a document’ and as complex as ‘reading a document’. Task Scheduling is an automation process of lining up different tasks (jobs) in a queue and executing them based on their priority. A Task Scheduler Software is designed to schedule jobs without external intervention and this is why it has a long list of benefits that can help you run your business’ operations more efficiently than ever!

Right from providing round-the-clock timing to businesses to offering a cost-efficient alternative for repetitive tasks, Task Scheduling can help your business in many ways. A good task scheduler software can help you make your business operations more cost and time efficient, along with a negligible probability of error occurrences. With a definitive time frame of task execution, the management can make better decisions and save the company’s resources from getting wasted.


Questions To Ask When Choosing An Automation Software

Considering the demand and popularity of automation software, there are many companies in the market providers task scheduling tools. Here is a list of questions you can ask when choosing a task scheduler software to make sure that you choose the right one.

1. Do they have any predefined task?

No matter what task automation you are planning to use for your business needs, you would want it to have default tasks that will help you start using the software, right away. A good task scheduling tool comes with many predefined tasks, sufficient to schedule day-to-day tasks. This allows its user to use the scheduler software without creating new tasks.

2. Does it have a programming interface?

A good task scheduler software is easy-to-use and requires zero programming knowledge in order to operate/ use it. But for tech-savvy users, the scheduler software should also provide the option of interacting using a programming interface. VisualCron allows its users to interact using its API.

3. What else can it do other than task scheduling?

Besides task scheduling, there are other tools that can help businesses to make their operations better and more efficient. Therefore, a good task scheduler software like Visual Cron also offers automation, integration, and others for the maximum benefits of its users. All-in-one software - VisualCron can serve as automation, task scheduling, and integration tool, at the same time.


There are many such things that can be used to make up your mind to choose the perfect task scheduler software for your business.

VisualCron is an easy-to-use task scheduling, automation, and integration tool for Windows which doesn’t require any programming skills for task creation. Want to know more? Download your 45-day free trial version of the software with full functionality, today!

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